10 Games That Help Children Control Anger

10 games that help children control anger

The emotions of the little ones, as also happens in the case of adults, can become a roller coaster ride, on which to give free rein to their angers and discontents. At times like these, parents need help to control their children’s anger. How to do?

Why it is so difficult to control anger

It cannot be denied that today’s society is increasingly in favor of avoiding repressing emotions and giving free rein to our discontent, leading us to reduce self-control and self-control.

As we all know, children learn by observing the behavior of the people around them and, above all, of their family. Consequently, in order  to control the anger of the little ones it is essential that we first check our own, in order to be able to set a good example for them.

According to experts, if we do not get to work with our children, the result will not only consist in being ashamed of the tantrums they will have in public or at home, but, more seriously, we will prevent their neuronal changes associated with the development of a solid and mature character.

Learning to control anger with play

Thanks to games we can get more results in small than we imagine. Plus, it’s a fun way to continue honing children’s personalities and emotions.

To calm anger, children need to learn about their emotions

We can prepare and stage the scenario of what can happen in the classroom when they are provoked by another child or when things don’t go their way. How will they react? Will they be able to control anger? Asking the child to interpret his reaction in these eventualities can help us, as parents, to realize his progress.

10 aids for his self-control

  • The first and most important of the aids or tools, as we have already said, is  the example of the parents.  It has been shown that in our body there are so-called “mirror neurons”, which have the function of imitating what is happening around us. So, if we are the first to react calmly, our children will be grateful to us and imitate us.
  • Create your own stress reliever toy. It could be done by the child himself, so that he can learn to control anger, perhaps with a stress ball. For example, a ball inside another ball, filled with rice, to be personalized by writing its name on it.
  • Draw with the child a circle of alternatives to control anger. For example, a card with various choices that he can adopt if he is able to control emotions.
  • Even touching water or sand has been shown to  calm a child’s anger. We can take a bucket and put the baby’s hands in the water, letting him make circles or shapes that relax him.
  • Create a keyword chart to keep on view in her bedroom. For example, a traffic light with the basic colors to relate to its behavior. Red: Stop. Before you act, think. Yellow: Caution. Think about the consequences. Green: Forward. Keep behaving well.
  • Reserve a space in the house where the child can calm down for a few moments. It could be his bedroom or a space that he himself has decorated and that favors his relaxation.
  • Blow soap bubbles. What is achieved with this method or game is to control the breathing and, consequently, to calm the anger.

Teach your children to control anger

  • Listen to relaxing music. It will encourage a positive mood.
  • Check your breathing. Inflating and deflating the belly like a ball will help him relax and control his breathing.
  • Reading stories and stories for children in which he identifies with the protagonist will help him understand when he behaved good or bad.

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