4 Ideas To Create Your Wedding Invitations

Are you looking for original ideas for your wedding invitations? Here it is.
4 ideas to create your wedding invitations

If you are planning your wedding, you will certainly know that you have to take care of a multitude of details, even if it will be an intimate and familiar celebration. For this reason, in this article you will find some ideas for creating your wedding invitations.

Wedding invitations: data and information

It does not matter what style or theme you have chosen for the wedding, whether it is a very formal or completely informal occasion. It could take place on a beach, in a salon, day or night, spring or fall. In any case, the participations cannot be missing .

Even if lately the tendency is to send the participations by mail or by message, there are still many who want to respect the tradition and deliver them in person  or by letter. Even those who do not have a particularly technological or ecological nature and therefore do not want to resort to paper holdings, still need a good project that communicates certain absolutely fundamental information.

We refer to those data necessary to ensure that the guests can attend the wedding. Beyond what the protocol indicates, the following cannot be missing:

  • the names of the boyfriends (first hers, then his)
  • the day, time and place of the ceremony
  • the place of the party and the start time
  • the request for confirmation of participation in the party

Some optional data consist of the name of the parents of the engaged couple and those of the godparents or wedding witnesses. Of course, you can always choose to add a “personal touch” and include a nice message in the participation. It could be a quote from the Bible, a few words from a song, a little poem or whatever you like best.

The best ideas for creating your wedding invitations

There are a million ways to invite the people we want to attend our wedding. Some engaged couples choose more formal invitations; others, on the other hand, cards in fun shapes and colors. Then there are also the most original: those that add drawings, maps or colored ribbons. Here are some ideas for creating your wedding invitations:

1. Simple invitation

If you like to follow the saying “less is more” then you have to opt for a simple invitation, which you can also create yourself. All you need is some plant paper, cardstock, glue, scissors, pencils and the printed text with the invitation information.

2. Invitation with photographs

If you like the idea of ​​making a  pre-wedding photo book  , this idea will thrill you. You can walk into a photo booth and take a series of fun snapshots (in color and black and white) with the phrase “We’re getting married” and the date. This strip of photographs will be used as the center of the invitation. The rest consists of the additional information (date, time, place, cc.) That can be added in different colors.

for your wedding invitations you can create a small photo album

Another idea could be to create a kind of “scrapbook” with photographs of the boyfriends from when they were babies, children, teenagers and, finally, with their current appearance.

3. Full invitation

Some engaged couples organize everything perfectly and want their guests to miss nothing. A full invitation includes several cards that contain important information. The first (the most important) is the invitation itself, with the data concerning the engaged couple and the celebration.

Next, a note is added with information about the ceremony, another about the gift and a third with the table number of the banquet hall. They don’t need to be all the same. You can cut them in the shape of a heart or circle, or make the edges rounded, etc. The most important thing is that everyone follows the same project.

4. Invitation with history

Another of the ideas that are used most often for invitations nowadays is to insert the love story of the boyfriends. For example, where they met, the places they visited together, the important memories, etc. If they are accompanied by drawings, maps or pictures, the result is even better.

your wedding invitations could tell your love story

Of course, there are many ways to invite our friends and family to the wedding. For example, put the card in a bottle, in a nautical style, or in an elegant silver or gold envelope, but you can even use a puzzle format. The most important thing is that it is something that identifies and defines you as a couple!

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