6 Lessons Children Learn From The Harry Potter Saga

“We all have both light and darkness within us. But it’s always up to us to choose which side to take sides.” Sirius Black, character from the Harry Potter saga.
6 lessons children learn thanks to the Harry Potter saga

All of us who grew up with the Harry Potter saga know that its stories extend far beyond magic. Through the value of hard work, friendship, love and courage,  Harry Potter  teaches the little ones, but also those who are no longer so, great lessons useful for life. Read on and discover these six lessons that children learn thanks to the Harry Potter  saga  and that we offer you in the following lines.

What are the best teachings for children from the Harry Potter saga ?

1. You are masters of your own destiny

In  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone , the protagonist teaches us a great lesson as soon as he reaches Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. First year students must be chosen by the magic hat to be assigned to one of the four great houses of Hogwarts.

When Harry’s turn comes, the Sorting Hat assigns him to the Slytherin house. However, our protagonist rejects this choice, because he knows very well that he wants to be part of the Gryffindor house. In this way, Harry teaches us that we all have the power to make our own decisions and that we must decide our own future.

la saga di Harry Potter ci insegna che abbiamo il potere di prendere le nostre decisioni
© Heyday Films, 1492 Pictures

2. It doesn’t matter where you come from for you to achieve your dreams

Harry Potter’s best friend, Hermione Granger, although she is Hogwarts’ most brilliant pupil, feels discriminated against because of her origins, because she is the daughter of “Muggle”, ie non-magical, parents. Nonetheless, this aspect does not imply any obstacles for her, since, even this being the case, she continues to work hard to achieve all the results she has set for herself.

3. Being brave means being able to face your fears, according to the Harry Potter saga 

In  Harry Potter  , courage represents one of the great virtues and, throughout the saga, we can observe how many characters act with courage, and not just those who belong to the house of Gryffindor. Nonetheless, there is a character who demonstrates great value above all others. This is Harry.

In addition to facing all kinds of situations and terrible creatures, such as the Dementors, the protagonist, when the time comes, has no hesitation in facing the most fearsome of all: Lord Voldemort.

4. The opinion of others does not define who you are

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , Sirius Black, Harry Potter’s godfather and great friend of his parents, ends up showing Harry and the other characters his true nature, despite the opinions and lies that had been spread about him. .

Nonetheless, throughout all the books, the opinion of others on Harry Potter is always very uncomfortable. The latter, in fact, is hated by his enemies, while other people, who look at him with contempt and lack of trust, harbor indifference towards him. Nevertheless, the protagonist continues his life despite the difficulties that are posed to him by the environment that surrounds him.

il protagonista della saga di Harry Potter non lascia che le opinioni altrui condizionino il suo comportamento
© Heyday Films

5. Don’t judge a book by its cover

Through the character of the potions teacher, Severus Snape, the message is conveyed that appearances are deceiving and behind the actions of each person there is always a story and a why. Consequently, it is a mistake to make judgments about others without really knowing them first.

Furthermore, the character of Snape also teaches us another valuable lesson: even if being able to forgive and love is not always easy, without a doubt, believing in forgiveness and love makes us better.

6. Love and friendship are the most powerful forces in the Harry Potter saga 

Finally, despite the power of magic and the great wizards that we witness in the Harry Potter stories ,  the author of the books, JK Rowling, shows us that what is really important and powerful in life are friends and love, the two elements that have saved and made stronger the main character of this saga.

Ultimately, what the Harry Potter stories  teach us is that the willingness to deal with your problems also depends on the people around you, because these bonds make you stronger.

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