7 Tricks To Stop Arguing With Your Partner

It can happen that, in a relationship, there are moments of tension and, sometimes, we discuss. Here are some tips to help you stop arguing.
7 tricks to stop arguing with your partner

Within a relationship, arguments are sometimes unavoidable. Small contrasts, nuances of character and even the influence of stressful people and situations can trigger these unpleasant disagreements. If you don’t know how to solve such problems, in this article we will tell you some tricks to stop fighting with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

When you are in the middle of an argument, the causes that have provoked this obstacle in the communication of the couple do not matter. We need to stop for a moment, think and work together to overcome what is a difficult moment for both of us. If you want to know how to  stop arguing with your partner, read on.

How to stop arguing?

You know very well that no relationship is simple, to carry on. Coexistence can be complicated and experience continuous ups and downs. Small frictions, misunderstandings and quarrels are on the agenda. How many times has it happened to you to raise your voice and throw some slippers, for something that happened a long time ago? Violence is not tolerable, neither oral nor physical violence. Here are 7 tricks that you can put into practice when you want to stop arguing with your sweetheart:

1. Check expectations

Ideal and perfect couples only exist in movies. And, they too, have often gone through complicated moments, effectively overcoming them only thanks to excellent teamwork. Controlling expectations does not mean accepting anything, but being aware that arguing means confronting and this is part of the communication between a man and a woman.

2. Establish a “respite” phrase

When the criticality of an argument increases exponentially and it seems that everything is now compromised, a good idea to stop arguing is to say your special phrase. A sort of truce or “tie-break”.

Here's how to stop arguing

Bring up the subject with your him or her and establish a word that will work as a real “pause” key. You will stop the quarrel and everyone can take time to think. Going for a walk, relaxing in the bathroom, reading a book or cooking. Surely, after the initial exaggerations, you will be able to address the topic later, with greater clarity.

3. Talk

Communication is one of the keys to stop arguing with your partner. This is because, if you give the other the opportunity to express everything he feels or thinks, you will avoid reaching the point of no return. Relationships are built on commitment and understanding: but never assume that a boyfriend or girlfriend is able to read your mind.

Therefore, it is essential to maintain an open, sincere and constructive dialogue at all times. Take advantage of a weekend excursion or a visit to the museum, to talk about topics that are not entirely pleasant. You will see how discussions will be reduced to a minimum or, in the most complicated cases, you will be able to find an agreement more quickly.

4. Learn from mistakes

What good can be gained from a discussion? In fact, many things. First, discussions are great for getting to know the other person’s point of view (and clarifying yours too). Additionally, you will be able to channel your thoughts or feelings about a particular problem.

Believe it or not, arguing has its advantages too. It will teach you what to “not do” and how to act next time, in the same situation, avoiding yelling or uttering inappropriate words.

5. Maintain a constructive attitude

Make an effort to show a helpful rather than an offensive attitude, one that will prompt you to “shout things in the face” at the other person. This is a good way to stop arguing with your partner. Nobody likes to be confronted with their mistakes, as well as to be humiliated or treated with contempt.

Broken drawing of sweethearts

6. Avoid yelling

Staying calm seems impossible when you are in the middle of an argument. You will have to learn to work on yourself, putting aside aggression and dangerous pride. Speaking too hard, in fact, will only serve to pronounce phrases that you will surely regret later on.

Strive to speak softly, try to relieve tension, take advantage of the calming effect of silences. We don’t want to say that you have to be silent: however, choose well when to speak and what to say, otherwise it is better to step back and be silent.

7. Find an agreement

Both partners are responsible for the outcome of the discussion, which is why neither of them will ever be able to solve all the problems alone. If you want to stop arguing, we advise you to establish communication rules. For example, giving you the floor in turn with the obligation to express your point of view without being interrupted.

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