9 Benefits Of Swimming For Children

We explain what are the many benefits of swimming for children.
9 benefits of swimming for children

Swimming has the reputation, as well as the merit, of being the most complete sport. It’s something you hear all the time. The benefits of swimming know no age limits: swimming is good for everyone, big but above all small.

This sport allows you to develop and strengthen muscles, activates motor coordination and the circulatory and respiratory systems. In addition, swimming helps the child to become more independent and be more self-confident.

The most pleasant place we have ever been in our life is undoubtedly the womb. There all human beings feel safe, content, nurtured, in company and united with someone.

In the womb we float. Some say that babies know how to swim because they were immersed in a liquid in their mother’s belly. However, to experience that thing called life you have to get out of that safe and comfortable place. This does not mean that other pleasant environments cannot be found: one of these is certainly water.

The sensation of sliding into the water is both relaxing and stimulating. Swimming is an exceptional sport because it requires motor coordination – and practicing it develops it – and teaches children to have the notion of space in and out of the pool lanes. In addition, it promotes balance.

These are just three of the benefits of swimming, but they will serve your child for life. And the great thing is that these abilities can be developed as soon as the baby is a few months old. Read on and find out what the other benefits of swimming are!

The aquatic courses

Nowadays there are many swimming pools that organize aquatic courses in which very young children can experience contact with water with their parents.

And this in addition to being important for all of the above, it is also important because it helps to strengthen the emotional bond that unites parents and children.

Although at the age of a few months the baby may still seem too young for such an experience, know that in reality it is not.

Aquatic instructors know that children learn by playing and transform this moment in the water into a play experience in which the child listens to music and interacts with toys. This is precisely how his love of water blossoms.

Benefits yes, injuries no

The experience of babies in the water is wonderful. However, swimming can be learned at any age (even the third) because it is a sport that does not wear or damage the joints.

Swimming, unlike other sports, minimizes the risk of injury. It is also a fun discipline that helps strengthen the whole body. How not to do it! You are in the water!

Swimming prevents respiratory diseases and, if the child suffers from them, relieves them, as by swimming he learns to breathe correctly, thus increasing his lung capacity.

Practicing swimming also benefits the cardiovascular system, improves physical endurance and the whole circulatory system.

Another benefit of swimming is the decrease in blood glucose levels due to aerobic exercise which causes increased insulin sensitivity. Therefore, in children with diabetes, the need for insulin is lower.

Tips for enjoying the benefits of swimming

It is advisable for the child to start swimming gradually and for the duration of the lessons to gradually increase, to avoid overloading the muscles too much.

Once the initial phase has passed, it is recommended that the child take swimming lessons at least three times a week and that each lesson lasts at least 30 minutes.

It is also advisable for the child to shower before and after being in the pool and to use slippers to prevent fungal foot infections.

Other advice we want to give you is to use a sunscreen if swimming is practiced outdoors, to use a swimming cap when in the water and goggles to prevent the eyes from becoming irritated by chlorine.

9 good reasons to swim

The benefits of swimming are manifold. One of them certainly includes the fact that you are not in danger when you are in the water. However, this is not the only one. Here are nine good reasons why swimming is good for you:

  • Helps to control body weight, which in turn prevents childhood obesity (80 percent of obese children will be obese even as adults)
  • Helps keep blood pressure lower
  • Lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood: reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis since childhood
  • It decreases blood glucose levels as aerobic exercise causes increased insulin sensitivity. This is why it reduces the need for insulin in diabetic children.
  • It contributes to qualitatively improve the physical effort capacity in children, causing a better cardiovascular response.
  • Being able to swim promotes socialization and solidarity. Having knowledge of rescue and being able to help in a real situation is an added value in a person’s education.
  • The wearing of the costume shows us our real image. This allows you to get to know each other and respect others. Furthermore, contact with others favors interpersonal relationships and helps overcome fears.
  • In children with neurological problems and cerebral palsy, water at a temperature of 28 degrees causes the muscles and nervous system to go from a state of tension to one of relaxation.

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