How To Decongest Your Baby’s Nostrils

Nasal congestion can be very annoying for a baby. Saline is often one of the best ways to solve this type of problem, as are humidifiers. In this article, we give you some tips for decongesting your baby’s nostrils.
How to decongest your baby's nostrils

Nasal congestion can annoy the baby to the point of not being able to eat or sleep well. This problem is very common and can be caused by allergies or the flu. Furthermore, babies are more likely to contract viruses. Do you know how to best decongest your baby’s nostrils?

In this article, we explain the best ways to do this. Find out how to  decongest baby’s nostrils  to give him immediate relief.

How to decongest baby’s nostrils with a bulb syringe

The nasal aspirator is very simple to use to decongest your little one’s nose. All you need is a bulb syringe, saline solution (which can be made at home or can be found at the pharmacy) and tissues.

To decongest the baby’s nose you have to follow these simple steps:

  1. Lie the child on his back. Put a drop or two of saline in each nostril. If you prefer, you can prepare it at home, you only need a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Let the saline solution work for a few minutes. When you lift the baby the mucus will dissolve on its own. If not, you can use the nasal aspirator.
  3.  Insert the nasal aspirator correctly. To work properly, you need to insert the vacuum cleaner into the baby’s nostrils. Do not be afraid, the nasal passages are very deep and if you do not insert the aspirator correctly it will not work as it should.
  4. Empty the bulb syringe and clean it with a tissue. To clean the bulb syringe, use warm soapy water. Always keep it upside down so that it dries.

decongest the nostrils

Further tips to decongest the baby’s nostrils

There are other equally practical and less inconvenient methods to decongest your little one’s nose. It is important to underline that it is necessary to decongest the nostrils of the baby only if it is strictly necessary, that is when you find a mucus tending to green. If you cannot assess the quality of the mucus then put in a drop or two of saline a couple of times a day.


One of the best ways to decongest a baby’s nose is through the use of steam. Do not put it in direct contact with your face as it can cause burns, even severe ones. The electric humidifier is used to keep the environment humid and helps the mucous membranes to expel germs.

Spray with saline solution

Aerosol is a good way to decongest the baby’s nose and to rehydrate the nasal passages that are dry by the dry climate. While it is fairly simple to use, some may contain ingredients that are not suitable for the baby. For this reason it is always advisable to consult your pediatrician first.

decongest the nostrils

How to avoid nasal congestion

First of all, it is advisable to extend breastfeeding as the infant immunizes through it. It is important, at the same time, to discover the cause of nasal congestion because the treatment to remove it will depend on this.

Here are some tips to avoid nasal congestion in your baby:

  • The room in which the baby sleeps must be airy and well cleaned of dust.
  • Adults must not smoke in the presence of the baby.
  • The rooms in the house should not be too dry or too humid.
  • If there is a humidifier in the room, you need to keep it clean so that mold does not form.
  • Do not use chemical air fresheners or cleaning products that smell too strong. They could cause allergic reactions.
  • Animal hair can cause further allergies.
  • You dose the air conditioning and the heating. Air conditioning dries up the environment, and the use of an electric fan can also be a problem. An electric humidifier can help increase the humidity of the air.

Now that you know how to decongest your little one’s nostrils in the best way, you just have to arm yourself with patience. The best time to clean your baby’s nose is before breastfeeding or before going to sleep so you can make sure he eats and sleeps well. Don’t forget to hydrate it with plenty of water to prevent possible congestion.

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