Pubic Symphysis: What It Is And Why It Hurts During Pregnancy

About 80% of women have pubic symphysis problems during pregnancy. While you shouldn’t be alarmed, the symptoms are usually acute and exasperating for the sufferer. Find out what it is and how to alleviate this discomfort.
Pubic symphysis: what it is and why it hurts during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life, filled with multiple emotions and feelings. But that also involves physical alterations that can cause a lot of discomfort. Each trimester is accompanied by different conditions that cause concern in the expectant mother, although they are often completely normal dynamics. Among these, it is possible that the woman has problems at the level of the pubic symphysis, in the final phase of pregnancy.

The pubic symphysis is where the two symmetrical parts of the pelvis come together, and as childbirth approaches, it can cause a lot of pain. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about this joint of the pubic bones.

What is the pubic symphysis?

The cartilage that serves as the junction between the two parts of the pubic bone is referred to as the pubic symphysis. In general, this union is very strong and well calcified. However, hormones such as relaxin are secreted during pregnancy, which serve to make this area more flexible to give the baby more space.

Pregnant woman sitting on the bed

This natural action of the body, combined with a mechanical force from the growth of the fetus, causes very acute pain to the mother. This discomfort is known as pubic symphysis dysfunction and occurs with greater pressure in the last stage of pregnancy.

What is pubic symphysis dysfunction?

Dysfunction of the pubic symphysis is one of the most frequent pains suffered by a pregnant woman in the last months of pregnancy. It is known as “pelvic pain” or “pelvic girdle pain” and occurs in both the front and back of the pubis. The discomfort may appear suddenly, with a sharp, piercing sensation and in a moderate and progressive manner.

In general, it is a pain that can disappear after a few minutes or last for several days, up to creating situations of great discomfort. Although the condition is felt specifically in the groin and pelvis, it radiates to the hip, back, and inner and outer thighs. All this is complicated by some postures and, above all, it gets worse in the evening hours.

How to treat pubic symphysis dysfunction

The discomfort of the pubic symphysis is linked to hormonal alterations and to the pressure of the fetus that grows more and more. For this reason, it is a condition that disappears after giving birth, although it sometimes takes a few months for the situation to completely return to normal. Fortunately, it is possible to treat this pain by paying attention to a few basic recommendations.

Take care of your posture

This is undoubtedly the best way to avoid the effects of pubic symphysis dysfunction. When standing or sitting, you need to make an effort to keep your back straight at all times, with your legs aligned with your hips. When you sleep, place a pillow under your knees so that they are aligned with your pelvis and when you get up, do it slowly and without jerking.

Woman with pubic symphysis

In addition, you should avoid overloading your back, moving heavy objects or doing exercises that can increase pressure on the pubis. The ideal is to always take care of your posture and keep your legs symmetrically aligned.

Perform low impact exercises

Sitting or lying down all day can make the situation worse, so we suggest you do some exercises but of light intensity. An example could be swimming, since the weight of the body is cushioned by the water. In this way, you will be able to exercise by strengthening the pelvic and abdominal area. Stretching is also very useful: it will allow you to sleep better and recover quickly after giving birth.

Special footwear and waistcoat

Ask your doctor to give you special waistbands that can reduce the pressure on the pelvic bone. These serve to give greater stability and reduce pain caused by the dysfunction of the pubic symphysis. Also, avoid using heels, standing for hours, crossing your legs for too long, and carrying excessive weights.

Heal yourself without using drugs

Medicines are the ultimate alternative for treating this discomfort. Therefore, try applying heat or cold to the affected area and figure out which one helps relieve the pain. A relaxing bath in warm water will allow you to soothe this feeling of discomfort and help you rest. In severe cases, try physiotherapy and massage.

In summary, the pubic symphysis that occurs at the end of pregnancy can be affected by hormone changes as well as by the pressure of the uterus. It is a very common ailment that you can alleviate by following the recommendations we have just illustrated. If the situation does not improve, consult your doctor immediately.

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