Giving Birth In Winter: The Pros And Cons

Giving birth in winter: the pros and cons

In winter it is necessary to take totally different measures from those we can put into practice in other seasons. In case our pregnancy comes to an end in winter, we need to pay attention to some details. After all, we want to enjoy the experience to the fullest, regardless of the season.

Nature follows its own rhythm and pregnancy does the same. Although we cannot know exactly the day and time of our baby’s birth, with the exception of cases in which delivery takes place via cesarean, what we do know is a range of dates in which the baby could be born. .

How much to cover the newborn or whether it is worth going out with him on the street are questions that many mothers ask themselves when they discover that they will give birth in the winter. While some may find it negative, others see it as the ideal time to welcome their baby. Everyone has their own opinion.

The benefits of giving birth in the winter

An advanced pregnancy is one in which the happy time to meet the baby is already approaching  . But for the future mother it also involves a long series of discomforts, which become worse as the birth approaches. A great advantage of suffering from these symptoms in winter is that the cold will help us to cope with them better, as will the pains of postpartum.

For example, hot flashes are one of the main annoyances of an advanced pregnancy. The hot flashes that a pregnant woman can experience can make her feel even as if she has an “oven” inside. During the winter, this nuisance can be endured much better than in other seasons.

Winter is also a time when you can enjoy the warmth of your home to the fullest. Quiet programs, long afternoons in the company of blanket and sofa, etc. Without a doubt, this is the perfect time to take care of yourself, relax and calmly prepare for the new life that is about to come.

Give birth in the winter

If you have already given birth in the winter, you may be less distressed. Since the season lends itself to having a slower pace it is perfect for adapting to new changes and enjoying the first moments with your baby at home.

Some drawbacks of giving birth in the winter

The winter cold puts many doubts on how he will be able to deal with it as a child. But, on the other hand, this implies that  we can make the most of the fashion  of the season and dress it with many layers and sophistication. As long as your baby is well covered, you can enjoy short walks outdoors even in this season.

The main problem of this season immediately comes to mind: the cold. With low temperatures and often bad weather, there is a certain tendency to hibernate.

In winter, the days are shorter and the nights are longer. This is why you often feel like you don’t have much time or activity to do. Despite this, we then realize that  the lights go on everywhere, the Christmas markets are full of life and there is a festive atmosphere for Christmas.

Dresses for Christmas

Go out: whenever possible and well covered

Any excuse is good to go out. Walking is a gentle and healthy exercise that will benefit both mother and baby. For a woman who has just had a birth, going out and exercising will be both physical and psychological help. And even if it is cold, the newborn baby needs to go out : he will experience the outside world and the sunlight.

As for clothes, you need to find comfortable and warm clothes. Of course, those made of a dense fabric (such as wool) are great, as they will help retain heat. On the other hand, when it comes time to choose how to dress, take into account the changes in temperature from closed places to the outside and vice versa.

Finally, avoid going out with wet clothes. During the winter it is normal for clothes to take longer to dry and to acquire or store moisture more easily. This makes it easier to cool down, so you need to be very careful.

Compared to how many clothes you need to put on your baby, calculate that he will have to have one more layer than you have. Yes, the head must always be well protected, since it is from this part of the body that the most heat is dispersed.

Many people speak of an “ideal season” in which to deliver babies. In reality, it is a matter of taste: each has its pros and cons. However, in addition to the cold, what winter will undoubtedly bring will be indescribable happiness for mothers who give birth to their own child.

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