My Son, You Are My Driving Force

My son, since you came into the world I have not stopped thinking about a universal truth: you are a very powerful driving force in my life.
My son, you are my driving force

My son, since you came into the world I have not stopped thinking about what I consider a universal truth. There is no driving force more powerful than a child.

But not just any child. Rather a special child, unique for parents. So believe me when I tell you that when I met you, after giving birth, you became the driving force of my life.

You are that strange substance made flesh capable of pushing me to face every day. That without even saying a word, manages to give me the strength to keep going, day after day.

My life, you are the light and above all you are movement, that drive necessary to never give up. Small and deep my love, thank you for guiding each of my steps. Thank you for marking the way forward and alerting me every time I lose my compass.

I am grateful to life for making me your mother. Because it was you who taught me so much about life. You, the driving force of my life that pushes me to move forward. You made me realize that it is better to honor life than just live it. You helped me get up after every fall and get back on my feet when I thought I was won.

You made sure that the pain tempered me and turned my every mistake into a life lesson and experience.

The driving force of my life, every day

My son, I cannot stop admiring you every day we have spent together and as equals. You came to change my life, to teach me so many lessons. That’s why I think we both feed each other.

The engine of my life is you, my son, my strength to go on

From that day when every complication became a trifle, I understood everything. A universal truth has unfolded before my eyes. Before my eyes I had the most powerful driving force. In front of my clouded gaze, that little being had my heart, my life, my energy in his hands.

You have since transformed into the most natural, powerful and effective fuel. Able to mobilize my deepest fibers. Password owner able to make me believe. Unsuspected trust in me and, of course, in you.

It was then that I realized that there is nothing impossible if in my team there is this bright little one, the engine of my life.  That there is no evil that lasts a hundred years and that everything has a solution. Even more so if by my side I find the reason to overcome any obstacle.

Strength to get out of any abyss. Want to get anywhere, for you and me. For this family to which, without being fully aware of it, with audacity and a lot of love, I gave life. And it is you, my son, strength of my life, that tiny spark that makes me believe every day that we deserve what we dream of and we can make it happen.

Thank you for so many things, my eternal child!

I have to thank this sweet little being. Your tenderness and your innocence are what drives me to move forward with each passing day.

In that beautiful and unforgettable smile I find the refuge for my problems. That sincere, penetrating and disinterested look is my flag to be able to fight on a daily basis.

My son, you are the engine of my life without which I could not go on for a single moment.

Each “Mom, I love you” is the best balm for my being. A kiss, a hug or those phrases that warm my soul are what sets my heart in motion. What makes me go forward, with slow but steady steps. Because the foundation is stronger than ever: love.

After that, nothing else matters. That love so deep, unconditional and unparalleled is the key. There is no rain on this. This is the food that feeds my soul.

That love so pure, so deep, unconditional and unparalleled is the key. There is no doubt. It is the food that feeds my soul.

This is how you suddenly become the driving force of my life. In the support without which I could not go on even a second.

May I not lose that wonderful habit of waking up by your side. May those memorable magical moments never fail. May the game dominate every day, may the freshness of your childhood fill my soul. I just wish that I will never miss you, my beloved son.

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