How To Behave When Your Child Tells You They Are Making Fun Of Him

What should you do when your child tells you they are making fun of him? Read this article to reflect with us on this topic.
What to do when your child tells you they are making fun of him

Your child comes home from school and you realize that he is sad. “He was bullied”: this is the first thing you think. Then you approach him, with a broken heart because you see him so downcast. You start talking and he is discouraged, with little desire to express himself. At school they make fun of him.

You begin to hate the corridors and classrooms of the school building. Those corners destined to make the little ones suffer through the cruelty of the strongest. Observe the sadness on your child’s angelic face and your heart splits in two with suffering.

Fat and thin, tall and short, male and female, children and young people, even light or dark skinned. Nobody escapes this form of violence. And you probably don’t know what to do. In the throes of anxiety and anguish, you do nothing but ask yourself: “How can I behave?”. In case that is the case, please read this article carefully.

If they make fun of your child, you value their uniqueness

almost all children, at one time or another, are victims of an episode of bullying

If your child finds himself at the center of ruthless criticism, focus on what the kids are pointing to. Draw his attention to all aspects, but also to those that distinguish your child, that differentiate him from all the others.

Of course, this value that distinguishes it will never be considered in a negative way. It will be accepted exactly as it is, through the understanding that this is what makes your child unique and special.

You can also bring up all those people who have been successful in different areas of life by presenting the same conditions for which your child is made fun of. Confess to him that you yourself have also been bullied and tell him everything you have had to endure.

By doing this, you will show him that he is not the only person forced to go through all of this. Also explain to him that people will always find some reason to criticize.

That’s right: people like to express their opinions, even when no one has asked them to. Others like to judge, even when they know nothing about what is behind a person, what the story of their life is.

“In weakness I become stronger”. This should be the motto that motivates your child to fight this battle. In order not to be subdued by those bullying children who evidently manifest problems of insecurity through these actions. Because, by means of gestures of this type, people only bring out their shortcomings.

How should your child behave in the face of teasing

First, give the words addressed to them the value that belongs to the speaker. Do not let the words that are said to him manage to upset him. Ignore the ignorant suffering from an inferiority complex who needs to belittle the other in order to feel superior.

“Mirror that bounces, bounces in me, explodes on you” repeat the little ones in Argentina. Or, as they would say in Chile, “opinion abounds in the mouth of fools.” May it continue along its own path: life will take care of putting everyone in their place. This is where it will be proven that nothing they said did your child any harm.

if they make fun of your child, make them perceive their diversity as a value and not a defect

That he never forgets that being unique and special (or that he doesn’t see himself as everyone else) doesn’t mean he’s weird. Because it is not, in the most absolute sense. Being different has never represented anything negative. On the contrary, it has always proved to be a value that makes it unique and special.

Encourage your child to be happy for who they are. With its flaws and its virtues. To love himself, with complete confidence. To accept themselves. And to know that the beauty of being different, in body, mind, soul and spirit, consists in thinking and acting differently from how others behave. So what’s the best thing your child can do if they make fun of him?

There is no better answer than a beautiful smile. Believe it: only in this way will he erase that of his tormentor. The one who enjoyed your child’s crying will not only no longer know what to do but will feel even more humiliated and inferior, seeing that his poison has no effect. Let your child just laugh and be happy. It is the greatest harm that can be done to a toxic person.

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