6 Behaviors That A Child Must Have Before Adolescence

6 behaviors that a child must have before adolescence

When they are small we want them to grow up, but when they grow up we wish they didn’t do it so quickly. The moment we least expect it, their childhood will end.

We must be careful, knowing those behaviors that a child must have before becoming a teenager.

It is very important that our children have some things very clear before facing the world of youth. When they are young, we don’t give much importance to little accidents, bad words or childish behavior, but there comes a time when we have to stop and think.

In a few years they will be adults. Our advice and warnings may not have the same effect then as they do now. For this we must take advantage of the opportunity we have at this moment.

However, what are the behaviors that a child must have before entering the period of adolescence? Can we parents really do something about it?

6 behaviors that a child must have before adolescence

Feeling that he can trust you

It is very important that your children know before they enter adolescence that they can trust you. Be interested in their friends, their problems and their concerns. And show them that they can tell you anything.

You have paved a path that seems impossible to many parents once they reach a certain age.

Communication with children is essential for them to grow up in harmony. Knowing that they have parents who love and support them will prevent them from making rash decisions without seeking advice.

Girl confides in her mother

Knowing how to accept “no” as an answer

There are many children who are used to receiving everything they ask for, so that when they grow up I believe I can continue the same way. What they don’t know is that in the real world, things don’t work that way and their behavior can get them into some trouble.

Teach your children to accept “no” without making a fuss. Most of the time, we parents allow them everything with good intentions, but as time goes on this behavior will run into the bill.

Leave the phone aside

Your children must learn to live without a telephone. In an overly connected world, relating to others face to face seems like an almost impossible task.

Contrary to what we live, they have grown up as protagonists of the technological revolution, so it is something that is part of their life.

Not bringing the phone to the table when eating, having specific times to use it or knowing when to quit are fundamental conditions if they want to be productive adults. In university or at work they cannot stay all day scrolling through the pages of social networks!

Physical contact

Be affectionate with them. They may seem a little grumpy at times, but any child needs to feel loved. But don’t pester them excessively: respect their personal space. They will not be long in running into your arms when they feel in need of affection.

Lack of sweetness and closeness can cause children to have shortcomings in the future.  It is important that you never miss a hug or a kiss when they need it most.

Learning to fall

Your children must fail. Yes, you got it right. And when they fall, help them get up. This way they will learn that  nothing happens if something goes wrong – it would be much worse not to have tried. For this alone they can already be considered courageous.

When they learn to fall they will be able to face anything, because they will not be afraid of what others may think. They will only care about the perception they have of themselves and their desire to overcome themselves will increase.

Father and son embrace


It may seem trivial, but it is much more important than you think. Growing up, everyone becomes master of their own body. We parents will no longer be watching them all day and telling them they need to change their clothes or brush their teeth. So they will have to “oblige” themselves to do so.

Part of that adventure that is growth is based on learning to do certain things on your own. Being self-sufficient is another of the good behaviors that a child must have before facing the stage of adolescence and that will allow him to be certainly master of his own destiny.

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