How Can We Explain The Coronavirus To Children?

Inevitably, even children become aware of the existence of the new coronavirus. For this reason, parents need to reassure them and offer them simple information adapted to their level of understanding.
How can we explain the coronavirus to children?

As the number of coronavirus infection cases increases, concern also grows. Not to mention the completely disrupted routine. Faced with this scenario, the little ones can feel confused and disoriented. To avoid unnecessary suffering for them, it is important that we adults know how to explain the coronavirus to children.

If your children are a few years old now, they have surely already heard a great deal of information from a variety of sources, much of which will most likely be distorted, if not entirely wrong. For this reason, it is important for parents to offer a safe space for communication.

Fear only makes the situation worse

The most important thing we need to keep in mind is that fear will not be of any help to the little ones. In fact, children can be easily impressionable and, if we do not manage the situation with the necessary tact, we risk causing them considerable discomfort. If their fear is high, they can manifest anxiety, difficulty sleeping and somatization, in the form of physical pain.

For this reason our message must make people understand how important it is to take care, not to worry. A child has a rather limited ability to control his or her life.

It is the adults who decide what his daily activities and routines are. Q uindi, if the children do not have the ability to choose what to do every day, they should not shoulder the burden of concern.

To explain the coronavirus to children, it is important to provide them with simple and basic information

How can we explain the coronavirus to children?

Start a conversation

It is necessary to make this topic a regular subject of family conversation. Children need to know that they can turn to their parents to express the doubts and fears they are seized by.

Then, start a quiet, relaxed conversation with them, even if they haven’t yet expressed the need to talk about the topic. It is preferable to play in advance and avoid that they find themselves alone, inundated with a flood of confused information.

First, allow your children to explain what they know and have heard about the coronavirus. In this way, you will be able to understand what their knowledge is and the origin of their possible fears. After that, give them simple information about the virus and its symptoms.

Provide basic and simple information

Remember that it is important to adapt the level of communication to the child’s age and cognitive abilities. You can explain to the little ones that it is a virus, just like the flu or gastroenteritis, diseases they probably already know.

Explain to them that the preventative measures they take are to prevent other people from getting sick. When your children get sick, they usually stay indoors to get better and avoid infecting their schoolmates. And this is exactly what is happening.

Tell them what the main symptoms of the virus are, encouraging them to contact their parents if they feel sick. Assure them, however, that most people are on the mend and that older people are at greatest risk.

Avoid all alarmism. Just as we don’t tell them how many people die each year from the flu or other illnesses, that’s not the right thing to do either. Likewise, reassure them that family members are doing well.

to explain the coronavirus to children it is important to do so through a quiet and relaxed conversation

Tell them what hygiene precautions need to be taken

Try to focus on what the child can do about it. In other words, take the necessary hygiene measures. Explain to him that he should wash his hands often, dedicating at least 20 seconds to this action. Also, that when he sneezes or coughs, he does it in the crook of his elbow, or using a disposable handkerchief.

Also ask him to avoid touching his eyes, nose and mouth. Encouraging him to follow these recommendations will help him feel more in control, which will help reduce his fears and uncertainties.

Take care, don’t worry: the secret to explaining the coronavirus to children

Above all, however, reassure the child that he does not have to worry. Naturally, he must pay attention to the hygiene measures we have described, but he can continue to live his life without being seized by anguish.

Remind them that researchers, doctors and other professionals are taking the necessary countermeasures to treat us and keep us safe. And that, moreover, his parents are always there to protect him. All he has to do is follow your directions, without worrying: this is the responsibility of the parents.

Finally, take care of your own nervousness and pay attention to the conversations you have about the coronavirus in the presence of the child. If your child has any doubts, answer them. In general, however, try to offer him a routine that is as normal as possible and avoid constantly talking about the virus.

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