Digital Natives: All You Need To Know

Digital natives refer to those born from the 90s onwards, when digital technology was already an important part of our lives. Many have peculiar characteristics.
Digital natives: everything you need to know

Today, technology is an integral part of our life and thanks to it we can carry out many activities. A few years ago, the situation was different. To do something, we weren’t so dependent on technology. Today, people have had to adapt and have had to learn how to use new technological tools. Those born in a world where technology is present in every sphere are called “digital natives”.

When we talk about digital natives, we are referring to the generation that was born in the age of technology. These people have great skills and abilities in the use of new technologies and are at ease in an environment that we could define as “digital”.

Children using a tablet to search for information on the internet.

Who are the digital natives?

It was Mark Prensky, writer and expert in education and learning, who introduced the expression “digital natives” to refer to those children born in the 1990s. Years in which new technologies were already present within the company. This fact causes these people to have greater skills and abilities in using digital tools and devices.

Digital natives have a relationship of dependence on technologies. They use them for everything: studying, learning, communicating, buying, entertainment, etc.

The cognitive structure of digital natives is different from that of their predecessors. When they start working for a company, they contribute to its development by bringing different values ​​than in the past. It is precisely for this reason that many companies take into account the characteristics of this generation to improve productivity by exploiting the potential of digital experts.

6 things you should know about digital natives

In today’s world, we are surrounded by technology and we couldn’t live without our phones, tablets, computers and the internet. They have become essential devices for our life; something that a few years ago was unthinkable. Let’s find out what are some characteristics and curiosities of digital natives!

They have a very high intuitive and logical reasoning ability

These kids are used to relating concepts to actions. So, they are always looking for a reason for what they do. This fosters curiosity and learning of knowledge about some sectors related to science, technology, programming, robotics, artificial intelligence, etc.

To carry out this type of activity, they use logical thinking in order to find the solution to all the problems and challenges they face.

They need to interact to learn, learning things by heart is not enough

When they study, they need feedback to know if they are doing well. For this reason, the best learning method for a digital native is that he feels involved in the subject he is studying and that he can participate in activities that make him understand that what he is studying is something useful, as well as fun.

They are self-taught and love to create content

Usually, these kids don’t ask adults, but search the internet for answers to their curiosities. They are very knowledgeable people and in a few seconds they can satisfy their need for knowledge by searching for information on the net. Also, they are very good at creating interesting content, tutorials or video game guides that they post on their YouTube channels.

They are very open minded

Having grown up surrounded by technology, digital natives have little understanding of “borders” and communicate with people from all over the world. This generation knows a multitude of cultures, customs and ideas thanks to the interaction with forums, blogs and playing online. Usually, they have friends from different parts of the world, which allows them to be more open-minded.

They are very active on Social Networks

Digital natives are present in almost all social networks and manage their accounts with ease. They are guys who are connected at all times and who feel the need to share everything they do on their favorite social pages.

Child sitting on home garden lawn using tablet.

This is one of the aspects that worries parents the most. Fathers and mothers have to check how and for how long children use Social Networks. Abuse can cause serious problems.

Digital natives tend to be more impatient

They are guys used to getting things immediately, since surfing the net can get anything in no time. Therefore, they get used to thinking that they can have everything they want right away , just like they do in the digital world: with one click they download the programs they need, listen to the music they like or find the information they are looking for.

It is important for parents to teach their children the importance of effort and patience, two fundamental values ​​for success in life.

To conclude, digital natives are children of the technology generation and show peculiar characteristics compared to those who grew up without new technologies and who had to adapt to the times. These kids were born in a time when technology was already an important part of our life. Therefore, their way of thinking and behaving is closely linked to it.

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