Couple Relationship, How Does It Affect Your Children?

Your relationship as a couple has a huge impact on your children. An unhappy marriage can make your children more anxious, sad and even less healthy.
Couple relationship, how does it affect your children?

A couple relationship is made up of two people with similarities and differences that can be very noticeable. Being part of a relationship includes going through differences that often turn into arguments.

The biggest problem is when these situations get out of hand and happen in front of your children’s eyes. There are couples with a high number of conflicts who decide to stay together for their children and who have all sorts of arguments every day.

At we’re moms, we believe it’s important that you know how your relationship affects your children.

Conflicts in the couple relationship

Sad child

Do you know how children feel when parents argue? The shouting and grudging words that parents use in their discussions can be very frightening and influencing little ones.

So that even if you don’t feel it, your children worry even when you stop talking to your partner.

Exposure to quarrels between parents negatively affects children’s behavior, not only during the discussion but also afterwards. Be especially careful not to negatively criticize your partner.

Children can become overly sad, get sick, cry, have trouble falling asleep and with respect to their school learning.

From the moment your child is born, they are sensitive to conflicts

Psychologists and social workers agree that children who grow up in a conflictive environment have a tendency to have alterations in heart rhythm and blood pressure. This is due to the fact that children pick up on tension and aggression through non-verbal language. They don’t need to understand the meaning of the words to perceive what is happening.

Children are very sensitive to anger. As they grow up they begin to be more present in discussions. The moment in their life when they are most susceptible is adolescence. In addition, during this stage of their life, they look favorably on discussions. This is the time when they can begin to copy the methods used by their parents by responding with aggressive behavior, with anguish or concern.

The repercussions of couple conflicts will depend on the solutions found

There is no perfect couple relationship. Even in the happiest homes, these kinds of conflicts are observed. Nevertheless, everything must have a limit that prevents a simple discussion from leading to shouts, insults and even violence.

These problems occur less frequently when they are really addressed by trying to find a solution, rather than waiting until the next fight. It makes no difference whether the children are present or not when a solution is found. They are able to sense if everything is okay or not.

There will be situations where your views will differ from those of your partner. What’s really important is that your children realize that when this happens it doesn’t mean that your relationship is over. If it has happened to you that during an argument with your partner, you have crossed the line in front of your child, apologize and explain that you will make an effort to ensure that this does not happen again.

What if your relationship is constantly in a state of conflict?

Conflicting couple relationship

If fights have become part of your daily life, you may need to accept that your relationship is over. Do not prolong a useless battle and do not force your children to go through this difficult situation.

Parents with these problems usually change the way they play the role of fathers or mothers by becoming more demanding, permissive, negligent or overprotective. Children immersed in these situations grow up with anxiety, fear, guilt, anger. In addition, they will end up exhibiting this type of behavior during adulthood.

Do you really think it’s worth staying together if everyone is unhappy? Isn’t it better to break up?

Pay attention to your relationship as a couple and its effect on the family

It becomes evident the need for you, as parents, to be attentive to the consequences of your behavior in the life of your child and to recover your relationship as soon as possible.

The family is the place where every human being is formed, creates ethical and moral models and prepares for adult life. The greatest responsibility parents have in their relationship as a couple is to create a healthy role model for their children.

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