The Children’s Bathroom: Importance And Practical Advice

The children’s bathroom is the most important part of their hygiene. To encourage them to adopt healthy habits, you need to make this time especially enjoyable. By reading this article you will discover some ways to do this.
The bathroom for children: importance and practical advice

The children’s bathroom can be the ideal opportunity to strengthen their bond with their parents and stimulate their autonomy. Take advantage of this opportunity to make it a particularly pleasant and fun time.

To do this, you need to know what is the best time for bathing and what is the ideal duration. In the following lines you will find the best tips for bathing your child.

The importance of the children’s bathroom

In order for your little one to stay healthy, they need to develop good personal hygiene habits from an early age. This practice will largely contribute to preventing a large number of diseases:  hence the importance of the children ‘s bathroom .

This is a fundamental hygiene measure to drastically reduce the presence of germs and bacteria. At the same time, it represents a way to contribute to the autonomy of the child.

After the first six months of life, this moment becomes an opportunity for play  and fun for the little one. Then, starting from one year of age, the latter can already start contributing to their own hygiene. At the age of three, however, he begins to gain a greater dose of independence.

Tips for bathing a baby

Many children, especially when they are under the age of three, don’t like being alone in the bathtub. For this reason, it  is good to ask them if they would like the company of a baby doll  before entering the bathroom.

You can let the child use the sponge: at this age, he is already starting to be aware of his own body and wants to wash himself. Another valuable tip is that  when you bathe it, use a neutral pH shampoo, in small quantities.

In addition to these tips, we offer you some other tips for the children’s bathroom:

Bath time

While this habit doesn’t necessarily require a tight schedule,  you can make use of some reference activities to create a routine. For example, after dinner, or before going to sleep.

In this way, the child will know when to dedicate to his personal hygiene. Importantly, these routines help the child build his identity and provide him with stability in a phase of full growth and constant discovery of new things.

the bath of children must be a pleasant and fun time

Which areas should be washed and which should not

From the age of three, the child will want to rub his belly, arms or legs: let him do it with a sponge. However,  you have to wash the most delicate areas of the body yourself.

For example the ears, in which he must not introduce anything and which must be dried well. The same happens with the nose, which you can wash with a sponge and physiological solution.

Dangers in the bathroom for children

If the proper measures are not taken, accidents may occur in the bathroom. To prevent them, you need to take some precautions. First,  pay close attention to the moment your baby steps into the tub: to avoid slipping, support him. If possible, place a rough surface on the bathtub floor.

On the other hand, avoid keeping electrical appliances near the bathtub and don’t leave the baby alone in the water, not even for a moment. The slightest distraction can result in a serious accident, so bring everything you need with you before you start taking a bath.

Games and experiments

If the child is already going to school,  take the opportunity, while you bathe him, to ask him how he went or how are his friends. This will strengthen your bond and give them confidence and security.

In addition, this moment is also the ideal setting for teaching him new things, games and experiments. For example, to promote his mobility, teach him to pour water from a bottle into a glass without spilling it, or take the time to name the parts of the body he does not yet know.

Adjust the water temperature

To avoid burns, you need to adjust the water temperature  so that it is below 37 °. To do this, introduce your elbow or lower wrist and make sure it is warm and not hot.

How long should the baby bath last

You decide how long the bath should last. Nonetheless, the focus should be on the child’s hygiene, not on spending a lot of time in the water. Also, if your little one is predisposed to suffering from colds, make sure that the bath doesn’t last too long.

to avoid accidents, never leave children alone in the bathroom

At what age can the child bathe alone?

From the age of six, the child can bathe alone, because you have to leave room for his intimacy. However, there must still be some form of control. For example, tell him how long he can stay in the bathroom and make sure he bathes properly.

In summary,  the baby bath should not be a boring moment,  but it must represent a routine that allows them to assimilate the responsibility of washing their body. You must be able to make sure that he tackles this task with enthusiasm!

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