Disneyland, An Unforgettable Journey To Have Fun With The Whole Family

Disneyland Paris is more than just an amusement park. Thanks to this article you will discover all its possibilities.
Disneyland, an unforgettable journey to have fun with the whole family

If we think of amusement parks, Disneyland Paris is one of the first that comes to mind. However, this place is more than just a park. As soon as you have crossed its gates, you will find yourself enveloped in a world of fantasy and magic in which both adults and children can have fun in the same way.

In fact, this is an unforgettable trip to have fun with the whole family, no matter how much you enjoy the attractions or not.

Disneyland Paris, an unforgettable journey

In the following lines we recommend a series of activities suitable for all ages, thanks to which you can have fun in the park, leaving out the countless attractions that you can take advantage of. You are ready?

Get to know the Disney characters

As its name indicates, Disneyland Paris is the amusement park that brings together all the characters from Walt Disney’s most famous films. For this reason, in the whole extension of the park it is possible to come across the various characters, in the company of which you can be photographed and thanks to which the little ones can receive an autograph, directly from the hands of their favorite characters.

entering Disneyland Paris means entering a place full of magic

To meet the characters, there are two possibilities available to you:

  • Go visit the park and meet the ones you meet by chance.
  • Consult the park guide and go to visit a specific character at the indicated point.

Take advantage of its amazing shows

Without a doubt, one of the strengths of Disneyland Paris is its shows. In the guide we talked about earlier, the places and times in which you can take advantage of all the performances are indicated, so that you are not forced to miss even one.

The staging and details of each show make each performance a special event. Consequently, we advise you to attend as many as you can, because, regardless of the theme proposed, all are worth it.

Discover every detail of its scenography

As we suggested at the beginning of this article, as soon as we walk through its gates, the park gives us fantasy, magic and joy. And all this is due to the wealth of details enjoyed by its scenographies, both in the streets and in the shops or in each of the attractions present.

In addition to the usual decorations, on specific dates the park is dressed with the motifs that characterize the current party. Halloween, Christmas or the different themed campaigns are some of the periods during which the park exhibits a particular decoration.

Any time of the year is the ideal time to enjoy this unforgettable journey in the company of the whole family. However, if you have the chance, we recommend that you visit it at Christmas, the most magical time of the year.

Find out which moments you will have the most fun during your trip to Disneyland

While you will make the most of all the time you will spend at Disneyland Paris, in our opinion there are two moments of the day that are fundamental and that will keep you wide-eyed at every moment.

The parade of the characters

With the arrival of the afternoon, the streets of the amusement park are filled with all the people present, who flock to the parade of a large number of floats from the most important Disney films, as well as their characters who are on board. Music, colors, characters and large floats will leave you speechless, whatever your age.

the attractions of Disneyland Paris are countless

The night show of lights

To end the day, Disneyland magnificently crowns a wonderful visit with a beautiful show aimed at those who decide to walk through the park in the evening. Because, without a doubt, this is one of the things that you absolutely must not miss, during your stay at the park.

Before closing, when it is now dark, you have to stand in front of the facade of the Sleeping Beauty castle, where fireworks, film soundtracks and images from the same film will appear on the facade itself.

The little ones will thus be able to rediscover all the films they have seen hundreds of times and, for the older ones, it will be a real return to childhood and their memories.

Learn more about Disneyland

If you think this is all the park can offer you, you are wrong! During your visit to Disneyland you can enjoy fantastic breakfasts in the company of Disney characters or princesses from the films, as well as have lunch or dinner in the various themed restaurants throughout the area.

Furthermore, for true lovers of this magical world, visiting the shops inside the park is an absolutely essential activity.

If at some time of the day you feel tired, you can also take a walk aboard a means of transport of your choice: horse-drawn carriage, boat or train. Who can deny that Disneyland is a place full of joy and magic?

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