Foods To Eat During Pregnancy: What Are They?

Foods to be taken during pregnancy: fruit, vegetables, starches, dairy products.

“Nutrition is one of the things that have worried me most since I got pregnant. I am not eating as I should, because I am gaining more and more pounds, but I cannot get the baby to reach the right weight for the weeks he has. What are the foods to eat during pregnancy? “.

If you also have these anxieties, we can help you.

Nutrition during pregnancy is essential

During pregnancy, the foods ingested are used to nourish both the mother and the unborn child.

This means that, in this phase, only one meal is used to feed two diners.

So it’s not wrong to think about increasing the amount of food. The important thing is to improve its quality.

Meals must be more nutritious and regular than before, as the development of the fetus and the health of the mother depend on them.

Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and light snack. This is an inviolable rule.

Three other basic rules not to be forgotten are:

  • Take the basic food groups of the food pyramid daily, in balanced proportions.

  • Avoid taking junk food and eating irregular hours.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

During gestation both your organism and that of the baby that grows inside you  need viamine, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins to perform all their functions and develop in the best way.

The human body must be considered as a machine: if it does not receive the right amount of high quality fuel it stops working.

How does a food shortage affect that little machine inside of you that’s just starting to work?

Foods to eat during pregnancy

Below we provide you with information on three foods to eat during pregnancy. Include them in your diet.


Tomato is one of the most cultivated vegetables in the world. It is eaten natural, dressed in salads, as a side dish or in the form of passata, sauce, conserve and gravy.

Tomato is an antioxidant, prevents cardiovascular disease and reduces cholesterol. 

It fights infections and strengthens the immune system, which is important given the pregnant state.

It consists mostly of water, so it is ideal for keeping hydrated.

It is low in calories, rich in minerals and vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins.


In addition to the well-known sweets and tamarind-based drinks, this fruit is also used for the preparation of soups, sauces, syrups, breads and candies.

Its sweet and sour and refreshing pulp serves as an aperitif and as a condiment in the preparation of meats.

Tamarind is a fruit rich in phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron, among other mineral salts.

Contains proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C and some of the B group.

Tamarind, one of the foods to eat during pregnancy.

Thanks to its healing properties, it is recommended in case of cough, asthma, parasites, vomiting, nausea, constipation and hemorrhoids, all ailments that many pregnant women suffer from.

Taking this fruit helps eliminate toxins, prevents kidney stones and some urinary infections.


Eggs, albeit in a controlled manner, are another food that must not be missing from your diet. 

This huge egg contains phosphorus, iron, potassium, iodine, selenium and zinc, among other minerals.

It is rich in retinol, B vitamins, tocopherol, and is one of the few foods that naturally contains vitamin D. 

During gestation it is recommended to take it to protect against cardiovascular disorders and because it contains good fats.

In the fetus it affects brain development.

Chicken egg is one of the most consumed in the world, but there are also others that you can include in your diet: duck, goose and quail eggs.

Now, egg-induced food poisoning can be bad for your health. 

For this reason, every time you want to consume one you have to check its quality. 

Here are two ways to do it.

First technique : Place the egg in front of a light bulb or other bright light source.

Observe it against the light for dark spots. 

If there aren’t any, you can eat it. If there are any, throw it away immediately because it means that it is becoming altered.

Second technique : soak the egg in a saline solution. If it sinks you can consume it. If it stays afloat, throw it away.

When an egg floats it is because it has lost its moisture and that means it is old.

To summarize and answer the question: “what are the foods to eat during pregnancy?”:  The variety of colors offers you a food balance.

Red is found in tomatoes, melon, cherries, peppers, guavas …

Green is that of vegetables such as watercress, lettuce, beets, spinach.

The yellow is that of egg yolk and corn.

You can find orange in carrot, orange, papaya.

Make your meals and snacks a carnival of colors and you will get a balanced diet.

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