Letter To My Mother, The Person I Love Most In The World

My mother is the person I love most in the world. I want to dedicate a love letter to her, but it is not easy to express what I feel for her.
Letter to my mother, the person I love most in the world

My mother is the person I love most in the world.  And this affirmation, even if it is a more than declared sentiment, is not easy to pronounce. Especially since relationships with one’s mothers are often studded with complicated situations, and mine is no exception. But even so, with my heart in my hand, I say it: mom I love you, I love you like no one in the world.

Few aromas evoke as many sensations as your perfume, mom. You may not know this, but to me there is no sweeter and fresher smell than yours. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just gotten out of the shower and haven’t worn any scented products.

It is not about the perfume, even if the ones you choose, I must admit, are always pleasant to me; I’m talking about another type of sensation that would not be able to evoke even the most exclusive perfume in the world. It’s about your smell, mother , because there is no other aroma in the world that makes me feel as safe as yours.

Letter to my mother, the person I love most in the world

Centuries have passed since I stopped sleeping with you, we have also lived in different houses for many years, yet every now and then I try to talk to you in the privacy of your bed, where you still allow me to lie down by your side. Like when I was a little girl.

I remember during my childhood, when you went out to work and I stayed home missing you, I would lie down on your bed and put my head on your pillow, to be able to smell the scent that remained on the cover. This was enough for me to fall asleep and stop missing you. This alone was enough to feel close to you, where I always feel safe.

Being with you is a luxury, mother

Mother and daughter

Now, since circumstances have changed, sleeping in your bed is a luxury that life gives me on very few occasions. However, when I come to see you or you come to see me, I try to hug you as hard as I can to be able to feel your aroma and your comforting warmth as a mother.

Other times, I allow myself to lie down next to you for a few minutes and sometimes that’s enough to make me feel better. No matter how despondent, shaken, disappointed, tired or annoyed I may be, lying silently by your side for at least 5 minutes makes me recover my energy in an almost magical way.

Sometimes it is not necessary for me to speak or for you to do so to express our love. And, to be honest, our best words of love didn’t come out of our mouths. Our best words of love were expressed by our actions.

And it is precisely in the face of actions that are sometimes not up to par, mother. When I think about everything you have done for me, I am always amazed. There is nothing that you have been lacking in, there is not a single day that you have not tried to make me happy. And the best thing is that I still see that, although you have given me everything and I am who I am thanks to your help and your efforts, you never tire of giving, of showing me your love in every action.

Thanks to you I am what I am


Our story has been a merry-go-round of emotions, it has gone through many ups and downs, and at times it seems like we still lack many emotions to discover. Although, of course, the years have meant that the changes are less abrupt now.

At where we are, we both know that we are two strong and determined women who can sometimes have different ideas about the same subject. But however different our ideas about the same situation, person or thing may be, there is no one in the world who can destroy our love. Although sometimes the differences between our points of view make us discuss in a very heated way.

There is nothing that can break my love for you, nothing and no one, not even ourselves. On the contrary, every day I realize the enormous sacrifices you have made to make me the woman I am now, to celebrate every birthday, to cure every flu, to wash every dress, to iron every shirt.

Every day that passes, my mother, I love you more, because now that I myself have become a mother I understand the dimension of your love. Now more than ever I can value each of your actions and each of your words. Because even though we are very different, I know that your every action is inspired by what you feel for me and your inspiration is the purest in this world. Your inspiration is the love of a mother.

I love you mom and thanks for everything, thanks.

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