It Is I Who Learn From My Son Every Day

We know well that we are responsible for the education of our children. But are we aware of all we have to learn from them?
I am learning from my son every day

Sometimes, many parents feel that they are the teachers of their children. Although there is no doubt that mum and dad teach their children many practical activities such as eating, going to the toilet, walking… In fact, it is the children themselves who teach many things to the adults around them. In particular, they show their parents what is essential in life: the importance of loving without restrictions, of being generous, of seeing the world with eyes full of wonder. For this reason, I now realize that I am learning from my son every day.

Parents who are committed to deeply respect their children are able to raise their awareness by leaps and bounds. Respecting your child involves valuing his autonomy, his learning processes, his judgment, his needs. And, to achieve this, it is necessary to make an effort in education to become better people and thus be able to educate our children.

This whole process not only leads you to respect your child, but, at the same time, also to respect people and to consider this value as an unshakable principle in interacting with others. Only in this way is it possible to teach a child the value of respect.

There are many things we have to learn from our children

Educating my son has brought a revolution in my life, because every day I strive to be a better version of myself. If I wish to set a good example, I must do so, because even if it is true that every day I learn beautiful things from my son, which fill me with tenderness and compassion, it is equally true that he too, at every moment, is learning from me. And knowing that gives me a reason to change, to be a better person. And this is another lesson that I learn every day thanks to his presence.

Being a parent means teaching and learning at the same time

Nowadays, being parents also involves an intellectual effort, because it is starting from the light of knowledge that we can put into practice a more conscious pedagogy that motivates children to learn to solve problems independently, to act on the basis to freedom and respect.

Goals that can be achieved by applying an education that does not involve rewards or punishments, but that motivates children to form their own judgment.

Being a parent means teaching and learning at the same time

And, to apply this kind of education, I have to work on my personality, to avoid falling into the easier solutions. Succeeding means applying a new pedagogy, which respects the concepts with which I myself was educated, but which always becomes a little more human each time.

Putting these concepts of humanity into practice is the way I learn every day. I do it when I respect my child’s essence, when I encourage his autonomy, when I encourage him to participate in the decisions that affect him and when I sow in him values ​​such as cooperation instead of competitiveness.

Every day I learn from my son, because it is he who has returned to teach me the value of family, love, respect, communication and time spent with loved ones. Being a mother has given me back the clarity on how important it is to be grateful in life. What really matters is taking care of each other.

I learn with love

Having a child means understanding that life is full of little things and special moments

Having a child teaches you to see that one of the best ways to live your life is to make sure that every day is filled with little things and special moments. Children are very meticulous and spontaneous: we learn from them, that they are the great masters of adults.

Together with my baby I learned that the most important thing in life is to be happy, and that happiness can be achieved through simple things, such as learning to share peacefully in the family, also trying to help others and doing my tasks better than I can. All of these things help fill the soul, and this feeling of fullness is what makes us happy with each passing day.

Being able to stay next to my son and watch him grow has transformed me as a person. I feel that I am full of love, that I see life in another way and that I have all the strength in the world. It is my son who made this change in me. He is the teacher I learn from every day.

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