What Read Write Methods Are There?

Generally speaking, we talk about reading writing in reference to the period in which children start writing and reading. However, there are several methods of reading writing, each with its own characteristics.
What methods of reading and writing are there?

In the field of education, we talk about reading and writing in reference to the period in which children learn to read and write. This generally occurs between 4 and 7 years of age. However, it is important to know that there are various methods related to this, and we will describe the main ones.

Reading and writing are part of a same process and their learning is simultaneous. This is why the term read write is used  to refer to this whole process.

This is a crucial period for education, as children must first learn to read and write in order to understand other topics. There are many theories about the best form of learning at this stage. Below, we will see some information to understand what are the main methods of reading writing.

Different methods of reading and writing

Alphabetical method

This system has been used since ancient times. For its learning the alphabetical order is followed; that is, we study each letter of the alphabet, in order and pronouncing its name. At the same time, one learns to write each of these letters.

With each letter you learn, simple combinations of consonants with vowels are formed to start forming syllables (for example, l + a = la). You start with two letters and then start combining more, to form longer syllables and finally words.

Once you have succeeded in forming words, you will learn how to form complete sentences.  In this read-write method, you start with a mechanical read. Once this skill is learned, we move on to expressive reading, with punctuation marks. Finally, we move on to reading comprehension.

Syllable method

This procedure for teaching writing begins with learning the vowels. Consonants are then taught, starting with those that are easier to pronounce.

Subsequently, combinations are started to form syllables. Each consonant is used with all vowels: for example ma, me, mi, mo, mu. Finally, more complex syllables, words and sentences are formed.

Learning the letters

Phonetic method

In this method of reading writing, mainly phonics material is used. With this, vowels are first taught by their sound, using figures and images with objects starting each of these. Parallel to reading, the writing of each vowel is taught.

Secondly, each consonant is explained by its own sound, using images of objects or animals whose name begins with this letter. Each consonant you learn is combined with the 5 vowels. Thus simple syllables are formed: pa, pe, pi, po, pu.

Subsequently, these syllables already known by the children are used to form simple words and sentences that use only these words. Finally, inverse, mixed, complex syllables, diphthongs and tripphthongs are taught. Once these syllables have been learned, they are used to form words and sentences.

Global method

There is another less traditional method of reading and writing, which is based on global learning. Its creators warn, however, that this global or analytical method will only be effective if it fits into a teaching method that is absolutely concrete and intuitive.

In this case, learning to read writing is based on the same way the child learns to speak. To do this, units with a complete meaning arise from the very beginning.

How does this method work?

Through his visual memory, the child will learn to recognize sentences and, within these, words. He will be able to make associations and identify the same elements in different words; he will thus learn to recognize the letters. In this technique, the written word is simply the graphic representation of an image that the child has in his head.

The duration of the read-write process with this method is very variable. It will depend on the general degree of maturity of the child and the group, his type of intelligence and his ability to place himself in space and time, among other things.

Likewise, this method of reading writing consists of 4 well-differentiated phases: understanding, imitation, elaboration and, finally, production.

Learn to write

In this last phase, children will be able to perfectly understand what they are reading, to explain it and to answer questions about its content. They will also be able to write small letters, descriptions and texts.

By learning to read and write with this system, children acquire a quick and fluid reading. This is probably due to the quick understanding of what they are reading and writing.

In conclusion, the different methods of reading and writing that exist are used to enhance the learning in the classroom of our children. However, they are also very effective at home; do not hesitate to take the time to practice to ensure that your little one develops his language skills to the maximum.

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