What Is The Alpha Generation?

“Alpha Generation” is the expression used to describe children born after 2010. In this article we tell you everything we know about this new generation.
What is the Alpha Generation?

Each new generation is baptized using the Greek alphabet. In this case,  the Alpha Generation is the name received by the group of children born since 2010. Just as with any other generation, the period and how the children grow up will influence their behavior and the decisions they make. For this reason, we will examine its main features in this article.

Children of the Alpha Generation will grow up with smart phones in their hands and have the ability to broadcast their thoughts online within seconds. Among many factors, the enormous technological changes make this generation one of the most prepared and transformed in history.

This new climate of connectivity, in fact, makes the generation gap one of the largest in history. Similarly, unlike previous generations, who have limited themselves to using technology,  the Alpha Generation will spend most of its formative years completely immersed in technology.

The first generation of the 21st century

The Alpha generation, also known as “the children of millennials”, brings together people born between 2010 and 2025. It is a concept created by the Australian demographer Mark McCrindle, who describes with this name the first generation born entirely in the 21st century .

This generation follows Generation Z, which dates back to the mid-1990s, and consequently represents the beginning of something new.

The future these people create will build on the changes we are witnessing today. The Alpha Generation is born of elderly parents and, probably, this future will develop in smaller family units, in which there will be only one child.

Globally, this generation will enjoy greater wealth and more material goods than previous generations. The first generation of the 21st century has been immersed in technology since the day of its birth. These kids will never know a world where apps don’t exist.

members of the Alpha Generation live completely immersed in technology

Common characteristics of the Alpha Generation

1. Experts in technology

Without a doubt,  children of the Alpha Generation will be tech savvy and ignore what a world without social networks is. Most likely, most of them will have such sophisticated phones at their disposal that they will hardly need to use a laptop.

As if that weren’t enough, consumer habits will also change with the use of technology. Purchases will be done mainly online and human contacts will be less than in previous generations.

2. Ready to face the challenges

Children of the Alpha Generation will be more self-reliant and prepared to face the great challenges they face. Their education will be delivered online and they will have their own form of learning.

On the other hand, the Alpha Generation, born into a crowded, intelligent and connected world, will be better equipped than any other to tackle the problems we are unable to solve today.

3. Less attention span

Children of the Alpha Generation get bored quickly. The reason is because they are used to using multiple screens and quickly scanning information to find what they need.

They move from app to app, screen to screen, video to video, looking for something that catches their attention. This phenomenon is reducing their attention span.

Children of the Alpha Generation are tech savvy

4. Change in interests

It is also hoped that  members of the so-called Alpha Generation take an interest in physical play, although not in the way we commonly understand it today. Studies show that Alphas will take great interest in handheld devices and gesture interfaces.

All of this will negatively affect the number of hours children will spend weekly in sports. It is to be hoped that their interests and priorities will soon change the world, especially when it comes to technology.

In conclusion, do not forget that this generation will present significant psychological challenges, because  these children will feel more alone, even as they find themselves perennially connected. In any case, it is a natural phenomenon, a consequence of technological evolution and of society itself.

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