Greek Names For Girls With Their Meanings

If you like Greek baby girl names this list is perfect for you. We have chosen for you the most beautiful names and we will explain their history and their meaning.
Greek names for girls with their meanings

Greek names for girls have fascinated populations for centuries. Greek culture was the cradle of Western civilization. The arts, politics, philosophy, literature and its mythology are remembered throughout Europe and parts of Africa and Asia. His plays and tragedies are still read and studied all over the world, the names of the characters who won your heart are still used today.

For this reason, if you are a lover of classical literature, mythological history, or simply want your daughter to have the name of a Greek goddess, this article will be very useful. Below we provide you with a complete list with the most traditional and beautiful Greek names for girls.

Greek names for girls

Diffusion of Greek names deriving from literature

About 800 BC Greek literature began to develop, first with the poems of Homer and Hesiod or the fairy tales of Aesop, the beautiful narratives that will give rise to Western literature begin to appear.

From this moment on names like Chriseis, Briseis, Elena, Athena, Andromache, etc. they begin to be widespread and popular to the point of being handed down for years, up to the 21st century; in which they are in common use.

Greek names for baby girl

Many Greek names owe their diffusion also thanks to the religion of Ancient Greece and the Olympic gods. Artemis, Aphrodite, Era and many others were the referents to give the girls of the world important names rich in cultural history.

Below we present a list with some of the most popular baby girl names from Greek culture, along with their meanings.

List of names

  • Hestia: goddess tied to the love for the domestic environment, gastronomy and architecture. The girl with this name will be associated with the more positive qualities of the environment.
  • Elena: there is no more common name than that of the famous Helen of Troy or Helen of Sparta. This name means “light that shines in the dark”.
  • Nereida: This name comes from the 50 beautiful daughters of Nereo and Dora.
  • Briseis: was one of the most famous characters in Homer’s work,  The Iliad.
  • Athena: is the goddess of peace, wisdom, science and justice. Due to the qualities it represents, it turns out to be a very popular and appreciated name.
  • Isaura: this name was assigned to the women inhabitants of the Greek region called Isauro, opposite Cyprus.
  • Cassandra: she was a famous prophetess who together with Laocoon predicted the deception of the famous Trojan Horse.
  • Talia: she was one of the muses, the representative of the theater. The meaning of this name is “abundance”.
  • Clio: this name is also linked to the muses. Clio represents history and poetry.
  • Chloe: comes from the Greek comedy  Daphne and Chloe.
  • Andromeda: her name means “ruler of men”, she was the daughter of a king and wife of Perseus.

Greek names for baby girl

It’s still…

  • Ariadne: known in mythology as a Cretan princess, etymologically it means “the purest”.
  • Artemisia: goddess of the hunt and protector of nature.
  • Megara: known as the wife of Hercules.
  • Nymph: they are an important figure in all Greek mythology and literature. They lived in the woods, rivers and enchanted places.
  • Euridice: is the nymph protagonist of the story of Euridice and Orpheus, very represented in operas.
  • Phaedra: was a Cretan princess who fell in love with her stepson Hippolytus. The literary work based on this story and written by Euripides made the story and this name famous.
  • Hippolyte: famous for her strength and for having opposed Hercules. She possessed the magical fire belt given to her by her father, the god Ares. In some contemporary stories Hippolyta and the Amazons are the representation of Wonder Woman.
  • Antigone: daughter of Jocasta and Oedipus, from the famous story of Oedipus the King written by Sophocles.
  • Partenopea: is the name of one of the most beautiful mermaids. It means “damsel smell”. This name is also linked to an ancient location where Naples is located today.
  • Caryatid: are the famous female figures carved in stone and perform the function of pillars and columns.

    We are sure that with this list of Greek names for girls it will be difficult for you to choose just one. The great thing about choosing one of these names is that they all assume a story and literary meaning that will distinguish your little girl’s name from all the others.

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