Children’s Whims Have A Positive Side

Children’s whims are not just negative episodes. They also have a positive side. In this article we will explain why.
Children's whims have a positive side

As a parent, you have surely found yourself in awkward situations due to your children’s whims. However, even though they are difficult to tolerate, they show us that your children’s emotional development is happening correctly.

In the first years of life, children cannot regulate themselves. Their emotions can change suddenly and that’s when they might start throwing a tantrum.

Seeing an angry baby start crying and screaming isn’t exactly the best scenario to be in. Undoubtedly, this situation can create embarrassment and stress for you. But if you know the positive implications of tantrums, everything will seem less serious to you.

The surprising benefits of children’s whims

When handled correctly, children’s whims contribute to their brain development. When they are born, babies’ brains are not fully developed.

Genetics provides the foundation, but each life experience contributes to forming its definitive structure. How frustrations are handled as children will affect how we deal with them in adulthood.

Frustrations allow cortisol to be expelled from the body. Tears contain cortisol, which is the stress hormone. When babies cry, they release stress from their bodies.

Additionally, crying lowers blood pressure and increases the feeling of emotional well-being when receiving support from a loved one. Have you noticed that babies’ mood improves significantly after crying?

Crying helps clear your head. When they have tantrums, children get into conflict and express their negative emotions. By eliminating anger and frustration, their ideas clear up and they can learn something new.

When a child cannot concentrate and listen, it usually means that he has an emotional block that prevents him from progressing. In order for children to learn something, they need to be happy and relaxed.

children crying

In addition, the quality of sleep improves. On many occasions one is led to think that the best thing to do is to avoid the whims of children, but this is not always the best solution. As with adults, stress and negative situations arise when children are in a resting phase.

For this reason, it is not always appropriate to stop the whims of children. It is preferable to find a healthy way for the child to express their emotions and then get a good night’s sleep and have a restful sleep.

And if that’s not enough …

When they communicate their feelings, your children feel safe. Many children’s tantrums occur because they are about to accept a negative response you have given them.

The whim is a way of expressing how they feel about that response. The emotional disturbance they experience is an opportunity you have to empathize with their sadness and to help them communicate better. This will strengthen the connection between parents and children.

Babies do something older people have forgotten to do. As the baby grows, he cries less. This is partly due to the fact that they have begun to manage their emotions, but it is also an attempt to adapt to a society that does not fully approve of the expression of emotions. A child who expresses what he feels does not accumulate negative feelings and experiences.

thoughtful child

In the long run, tantrums improve children’s behavior. Sometimes, children express themselves using means such as aggression and rejection of their parents.

When they reach the limit, they bring out anything that prevents them from showing the sweet and cooperative side they have by nature.

When one of your children experiences a moment of alteration, you can use it to your advantage. You can see yourself reflected in him and understand how he feels because you too have been through it more than once.

Addressing children’s whims assertively will help you overcome your emotional challenges. Make communicating and expressing emotions a familiar habit that improves collective well-being. People who express their feelings and share them with loved ones are happier and improve their health.

Remember that any situation can be a time to learn something and enrich your experience as a parent. This will be very useful for the education of your children.

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