Birth Plan: What It Is And How To Prepare One

Planning everything related to the birth of your baby can be very helpful. Today we explain what it is and how to make a birth plan.
Birth plan: what it is and how to prepare one

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she is flooded with many positive feelings and emotions. Then, with the pregnancy, she learns about her body, which changes and transforms week after week. But the biggest worries and fears obviously concern the time to give birth. For this reason, it is a good idea to create your own birthing plan.

Some women are very organized and methodical, others more spontaneous. In the case of an important event such as birth, it is advisable to draw up a birth plan , in order to keep all aspects of this experience under control. Obviously, no one knows the exact date of your baby’s birth: this does not mean that you cannot plan everything consciously.

Arriving prepared will allow you to better deal with the birth and respond to any unexpected events with greater peace of mind. For example, questions such as “where will the baby be born?”, “How much does it cost?”, “Who will be present?” Will be fundamental in creating your birth plan, regardless of possible surprises.

What is the birth plan?

Doctor explains the birth plan to the mother

A birth plan is a set of information, notes and reminders that the mother will need when she has to give birth to her baby. It does not follow a fixed pattern, since each mother has different needs and priorities. It is usually put in writing, so that it can be checked and expanded as the happy event approaches.

It is never too late to realize your birthing plan. However, we recommend that you create it early enough to include any useful information right up to the end. Make sure it is flexible enough, providing more than one alternative, as there will certainly be unexpected events.

The birth plan includes a whole series of items concerning what to do, when and how. But not everything will be respected to the letter. For example, keep in mind that a natural birth can take place suddenly, for example away from the clinic or hospital that you planned in the birth plan.

How is a birth plan made?

The importance of elaborating a birth plan concerns the security that this instills in the mother, in a very delicate moment such as that of giving birth to a child. Having a precise idea of ​​what will happen will help the expectant mother to remain calm and to face the birth with greater serenity and confidence.

But what should be included in a birth plan? What elements should be considered? Here are the most important ones:

  • Where to give birth:  Decide whether to give birth at home, in a public hospital or even in a private clinic. Evaluate all available options, considering the proximity of these facilities, the availability of your doctor and, of course, check their availability.
  • Organize the space : if you give birth in your home, you will need to set up the bedroom appropriately. You will have to count on the presence of a midwife with whom you will prepare everything in detail.
  • Who will be present : ask yourself if you prefer to give birth alone or if you want to have a loved one next to you, such as your husband or your mother.
  • Anesthesia: yes or no? Write in your birth plan if you allow doctors to give you anesthesia for painful contractions. Also inform your family of this decision.
  • Birth position : You may have a particular or preferred position for giving birth.
  • Clothes : think about what you will need, what you will bring, for you and also for the unborn child.

Pregnant woman rests on the sofa

  • Complications : Consider the chances of having a Caesarean delivery.
  • Costs : have you already covered the costs of the birth? is there any service that will need to be contracted?
  • Medical visits : talk to your doctor about your doubts, comment on your fears and fears, without waiting for the last moment.

How to create a personalized birth plan?

We remind you that the birth plan can never be 100% respected, because there will always be changes and unforeseen events. For this reason, we recommend that it be flexible, in order to provide for alternative options and last-minute changes. For each item in your plan, always add a couple of parallel solutions.

Once you are done, it is a good idea to show the plan you have prepared to your doctor. The midwife will also help you to evaluate problems, for example with respect to entry or stay in the clinic.

We repeat: do not consider this plan as absolutely truthful or in a rigid way because the birth of a child is subject to many variables. Dedicate yourselves to indicate preferences, rough choices that will help you get closer to this important event with greater confidence.

While it is very likely that the birth plan will be followed only in part, or completely disregarded, having one made just for you, will serve to generate trust. If you are in the phase of pregnancy and the time to give birth is approaching, do not waste any more time and create your own personalized birth plan. Use the advice we have shown you in this article and add as many details as you think appropriate.

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