Children Need Your Love To Overcome Their Fears

Children need your love to overcome their fears

The love your child receives in childhood allows him to build the main emotional foundation on which to base his development and shape his personality.  It is important that we express the affection we feel and show that it is absolutely unconditional, capable of helping them heal, achieve goals and keep them safe from their fears.

There are many ways of giving love. Anyone can say that the care we give to children is a manifestation of affection. However, this activity is often above all a must. As a result,  a child who is not clearly treated with love feels somewhat less protected and, therefore, more insecure.

The first goals achieved in childhood may seem simple at first glance. Learning to sit down, say the first words, start walking: yet, for the little ones they represent a real challenge.  To ensure that these goals are achieved with greater confidence, it is important that they are stimulated  through the affection and loving drive of mom and dad.

Why does love help overcome fears?

Anyone who has felt the presence of love recognizes the change it produces. He knows what skills we develop when it comes to expressing this feeling towards that particular person. In particular, we can say that  not only those who are loved feel secure, but also those who love.

Knowing that someone who loves you will always be there is a guarantee that our children must find in us, in order to defeat their fears.  It is recommended to express with love the fact that they can count on us. We also need to prove it to him at all times, because the language of love is understandable to all human beings at any stage of life.

Thanks to love we can form healthy and independent children

It is through love that mothers form the healthy and righteous adults of the world.  But it is always for love that these people grow up strong, confident and able to overcome the main challenges posed by life. Sometimes it can happen that we are not very understanding with children and demand more from them than they can give. For them, however, the simplest things can get complicated.

It is for this reason that  the stimulus we, as parents, give them to move forward must be full of tenderness, affectionate words and gestures of solidarity. There is nothing wrong with letting them try it on their own or wanting to help them be stronger. Being stricter, however, doesn’t necessarily mean being less loving.

Being afraid of sleeping alone, being afraid of the dark or not finding the desire to do any activity is a normal thing  in children, and comes from a lack of knowledge and experience. For this reason, even if it is important to be decisive, it  is always preferable to try to stimulate them with love.

We must be affectionate, therefore, to avoid that  their fears do not add that of being scolded by their parents. Let’s imagine for a moment that we don’t know how to solve some problem and that the only person we have is scolding or threatening us.  The feeling of not being able to count on the person closest to us is extremely sad.

Parental love supports the child emotionally

It is possible that, without knowing it, we have brought up an emotionally healthy child. It happens precisely because we did it only for love. If this were the case, it is normal that we do not have a rule to follow to know how to behave or give advice, which is why we do not show any pride in it. However, it is important to know that children do know.

To overcome fears, the child needs to feel loved

A child who grew up surrounded by love reaches adulthood with the knowledge that his parents have helped him grow up in this way. He will be devoid of those fears that others have, and will continue to maintain an emotional bond with his family. It is never out of place to be able to take care of the person who has supported us emotionally since we were born.

Often  the weaknesses of our adulthood are a reflection of the emotional shortcomings of our childhood. This does not necessarily mean that all our problems as adults are a consequence of a bad education, but it is possible that our wrong decisions are an emotional residue of a certain deficiency.

Words, gestures and actions that contain love help children to face their challenges, which for us are small, but immense in front of their eyes and their brief experience. If we believe that attention such as feeding, washing clothes or giving gifts is sufficient,  the child may not place the right value on the affection we could give him. All this applies to any child, whether or not he is our child.

Children trust their parents and the ways of helping them they will demonstrate. For this reason it is necessary that  we commit ourselves to building the emotional foundations of children from their first days of life. In these cases, the most important thing is to be aware that the love we give them in their early years will make them strong for life.

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