Confessions Of A Happily Exhausted Mom

Confessions of a happily exhausted mom

Being a mother is the best job in the world and no one can question it. But if it is true that we dedicate ourselves body and soul to our children, our husband, the house, we always forget a fundamental aspect for us: our personal well-being. How to avoid becoming an exhausted mom?

We spend whole days doing the possible and the impossible so that all the people around us are happy. We play with the child, talk to our partner, cook his favorite dishes, keep the house tidy, work to contribute to the expenses and much more.

At the end of the day we realize that we spend very little time on ourselves, except for our personal hygiene. And so, that woman who used to go out only after spending hours and hours in the mirror making herself beautiful, is gone today.

exhausted mom holds her daughter in her arms

We don’t mind keeping the same earrings for days on end, or wearing the first things we found in the closet, or not wearing makeup because we have more compelling things to do.  Life changes us in a radical way and probably does not resemble what we imagined during pregnancy. 

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful fairy tales in the world. But at first you will realize that you will have to make many sacrifices to reap the rewards of this hard work.

Every exhausted mom has to find herself

When they ask us how we feel in this role, the first thing that comes to mind is the difficulties. Instead, the answer is that we are happier than ever. There is nothing more true.

When we are alone, it makes us think about how we can live without these little ones who change our world and fill it with color. A child represents something indescribable. He came to make us understand what really matters in life.

Some days will seem eternal, the nights will be ephemeral and we will not know what day of the week we are. Fatigue will pervade us, sometimes we will want to throw in the towel, even if we have the best company in our arms. But that’s the way it is: we have a mixture of different feelings, and it’s perfectly normal.

In the beginning we are focused on understanding the mystery behind a child’s growth and the care we have to offer him. Because even changing a diaper can be a challenge. Then we will begin to ask ourselves: “ Where am I? Who am I now? How do I feel inside? “

Surely you can no longer eat with the same tranquility as before, you can no longer go to the bathroom alone, you do not have time to go out with friends, nor can you make a phone call without interrupting it at some point by saying: “I’ll call you later, the child needs me ”.

This is the reality of an exhausted mother. Of the woman who dedicates herself body and soul, without expecting anything in return. Of the woman who no longer combs her hair to make herself beautiful, but who wears the most comfortable clothes for her child … That mother is you, a heroine who will do everything to see the fruit of happiness grow.

Maternity seen from another perspective

When we become moms, efforts cease to seem in vain. In our hands we have the most beautiful gift, to which we will dedicate our whole life. Nobody will change this reality.

Well,  little by little you will have to carve out a space for yourself, in which to find yourself with your essence. You have already experienced a pregnancy during which you gave yourself. You have already discovered what it means to be a mom. Stop for a moment, think about yourself for a second.  Open a window that will allow you to find yourself.

Getting back to doing what you like is not a bad idea. Indeed, it will allow you to distract your mind and return home with a new strength. Indulge in your hobbies. Exercise, listen to music or go for a walk with your old friends. This is an excellent recipe for recharging yourself with positive energy.

Motherhood is wonderful. If you feel tired and want to give up everything, do this: listen to your heart, remember what it felt like to keep your child inside you and get ready to enjoy every single moment of those moments that will never come back. What you must never forget is that sometimes it is normal to feel like an exhausted mom.

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