Discover The Benefits Of Singing To Babies

There are mothers who love to sing to babies, for example a lullaby, but not only. Let’s see together what are the benefits of this healthy habit.
Discover the benefits of singing to babies

The lullaby, that sweet melody that a mother whispers almost in a low voice to the child in her arms, has significant benefits for his brain and emotional development. An ancestral habit, very ancient and which is repeated by every mother almost instinctively. As if we knew that singing to babies is something absolutely essential.

If you have recently had a baby, you surely love to cuddle him, swing him in your arms while you sing some melody, perhaps the one your parents or grandparents sang to you. Other times it even comes to invent both music and words. Yet, as if by magic,  singing to newborns becomes the best way to calm them, make them relax and accompany them towards a deep sleep, with sweetness.

The song is a very positive stimulus that favors both the auditory and linguistic development of the newborn. In this article we will explain why.

Sing to babies to feed their brains

It goes without saying that music helps people relax. However, a child still does not understand what music is, nor is he able to understand words, notes, tempos, silences and melodies.

But it cannot be forgotten that the human brain has an area responsible for processing and understanding musical stimuli. In fact, there are many studies that have confirmed an intimate relationship between early musical learning and the mathematical skills of infants.

Better, however, to proceed calmly. Here, we’re talking about singing simple lullabies and traditional songs to babies that are often spoken automatically as soon as you hold your little one in your arms or when you give them a bottle.

Can singing to babies really have so many benefits for the brain? Certainly yes and, below, we will see which are the main ones.

Drawing of sleeping newborn

Singing to babies helps them relax

A calm, sweet voice, without changes in tone and that knows how to convey tranquility and affection, helps to relax. If the mother’s voice is, by itself, a significant stimulus for every child, you shouldn’t be surprised that singing a lullaby, or a simple song to babies, works the same way. It will calm crying, drive away fears and convey positive feelings.

Promotes a better emotional connection

In a stressful situation, when the baby is upset, restless or has started to cry very intensely, do not hesitate to do so. Sing him a lullaby quietly, in a relaxed way. Negative emotions will soon be allayed by the sound of music or a song, fostering a connection of relief and calm.

Improve your child’s self-esteem

Is it really possible that singing to babies improves their self-esteem? Absolutely yes, and the resulting benefits are really interesting:

  • Singing creates an auditory and visual connection between mother and child.
  • This moment of mutual attention captures the child’s interest, encourages him and makes him feel cared for. He knows that voice is directed at him, that song makes him feel good and therefore he feels protected and comforted.
  • All this favors his self-esteem and, above all, that his brain feels relaxed, free from any form of stress triggered, for example, by fear or the feeling of abandonment.

Develop the language

Singing to babies has many benefits

Singing is characterized by having a tone, a rhythm and some words that are articulated in a more or less slow way, depending on the meaning. If, in itself, everything you say to the child during the day is for the development of his language, singing also generates a wonderful stimulus.

This type of musical cadence favors the creation of new neuronal connections in that brain area that not only favors the awakening of language, but also logic and mathematics.

Accompany the moment of the baby food

If you think of the image of singing to newborns, two in particular appear: the first, when you hold it in your arms, the second when it is in the cradle. However, parents often sing to their babies even while feeding or drinking from their bottle.

Either way, it’s a good idea to hum traditional, current or even invented tunes while your little one eats. Sometimes it is almost automatic and natural for many mothers and fathers, because in this way they know to relax the baby and this allows them to facilitate feeding time.

Mother sleeps with baby

Don’t be surprised if you feel like singing a song to your baby, even if you don’t know the words or are out of tune. He will look you in the eye and smile at you, confidently entrusting himself to your warm embrace and letting himself be lulled into a universe of peace and love.

Science has shown that when you become a parent, your brain changes and that famous parenting condition emerges that will lead you to do weird and perhaps funny things. How to swing the baby, sing invented songs to him, say meaningful phrases while imitating his verses … This interaction and this direct contact will be fundamental to help him grow in a healthy and complete way.

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