Getting Children Away From Electrical Outlets: Here’s How

Get children away from electrical outlets: here's how

Knowing a few tricks to keep children away from electrical outlets is essential. Especially since every parent would want a safe home for their child, to avoid any kind of accidental danger.

According to statistics, episodes of burns and electric shocks occupy the fourth place in the ranking of the most dangerous accidents in the home environment. For this you need to know how to protect your child from accidents.

Tricks to keep children away from electrical outlets

The electrical sockets are devices that allow the transmission of current in two different forms: the male socket which has two protuberances and which must be inserted, and the female socket which is the one embedded in the wall to which the electrical cables are connected.

Both devices seem to arouse the curiosity of the little ones. The female grip is perhaps the one with the most attraction for children, you often hear that the little ones try to put their fingers inside.

Fortunately, there are several safety measures you can take to prevent accidents from happening. Below we tell you about the most useful methods.

keep children away from electrical outlets

Keep children away from male electrical outlets

As we have already illustrated, the male sockets are all those used to connect an electronic medium by means of a cable. Here are the steps you can take about it:

  • Never leave the charger within reach of the little one; the same goes for other cables of household appliances in the house.
  • If possible, appliances should be connected to female sockets that are out of reach and height of the baby.
  • Never leave the mobile phone charger plugged into the socket. Children love to put objects in their mouths, if they put a cable connected to the power into it they could electrocute.
  • Do not allow children to have eye contact with the cord. This way you will avoid arousing their curiosity and interest in touching them.

Keep children away from female electrical outlets

The female sockets are those located close to the wall. They are very dangerous for children who often tend to stick their fingers or toys into the holes.

A solution that guarantees safety for the little ones is to buy protectors for the female sockets. In addition, you will have to cover all the sockets on the ground and at heights that the baby can reach.

You can find these protectors from the hardware store and they are sold in different types and prices. The best thing is that they have the same color as the sockets at home; so that they will go unnoticed by the little one.

Don’t forget to be careful when removing them to connect an appliance. This way you will prevent the baby from taking them to put them in his mouth.

keep children away from electrical outlets

Preventing accidents with electrical outlets when you are away from home

As you have seen, it is very easy to prevent accidents due to female sockets in the home. However, what can you do when traveling?

An effective solution is to carry electrical tape or duct tape with you to plug the sockets where the baby will live.

The choice of adhesive tape turns out to be the most convenient: the light color, made with paper, allows it to be less evident to the sight and curiosity of the child.

In case, for some reason, you are unable to obtain adhesive tape, ask the hotel for patches. They are a good alternative to cover the sockets because they are very adhesive.

As you can see, taking preventive measures, even minimal, is very simple. In this way you will avoid running into moments of tension due to the curiosity of the child and your imprudence. Don’t wait any longer: put these tips into practice to be more relaxed.

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