Happy Mothers Put Their Children To Bed Early

Putting children to bed early is good for little ones and mothers.

Putting children to bed early makes their little one’s sleep relaxed and enjoyable and gives parents a precious moment of freedom. Happy mothers always have time to dedicate to themselves: don’t give up a few moments for yourself.

The never-ending story of the child who didn’t want to go to bed early

It’s 8pm and our son doesn’t want to sleep, so we let him play a little longer. It is 9 o’clock and the little one should already be in his cot, but since we have so many chores to attend to, he continues to play.

«Be careful, don’t make him nervous! Don’t make him laugh too much, which then gets agitated! ” On the phone, grandmothers give this advice.

So we mothers make the baby do more peaceful activities. We look for colors so that he can draw, some modeling clay to make balls… In short, we make him do anything that doesn’t make him shake and allows us to continue our business.

10pm arrives and the baby should be snoring in his bed, but we just finished laundry and we want a few minutes to take a shower and be ready to take care of him.

We postpone the time to put him to bed at 10.30 and continue to be permissive. It is a little late, but this will certainly result in a better rest.


The child continues to jump in the cradle until midnight, without hinting to sleep.

He wants a glass of water, he wants a bottle, he wants this or that puppet, he wants to pee, he wants more water… The more we satisfy his requests, the longer the list gets.

And here we are again, late in the evening, fulfilling his every whim. At half past midnight and the child gives in, exhausted. Here, sleep until tomorrow!


In the middle of the night he wakes up 5, 6, 7 times: each time we put him back to bed and go back to sleep.  

When we think he is sound asleep we see him toss and turn, jump and wake up again.

The next day, when it’s time to go to kindergarten, she doesn’t want to get up. Both he and we wake up wishing to go back to sleep.

He will stay sleepy all day, while we will feel stressed and will not be able to do anything at work.

Putting children to bed early is good for moms

Rested mothers put their children to bed early. A long rest of the baby results in:

  • Free time to dedicate to you and your partner. Ultimately, your happiness and well-being also depend on this.
  • Less tension when you do the household chores you usually do in the evening. You do not have to wash, shake or do any other craft with the worry of constantly going to see what your child is “inventing” in the next room.
  • Relax, deep and pleasant sleep. Your child will sleep the number of hours it takes to rest, and both his body and brain will be able to replenish energy for the next day. And you can give yourself the rest and restful sleep you need so much.
  •  Better education and fewer tantrums. It doesn’t have to be your child who dictates his will every time he tells you he doesn’t want to go to bed. If you get him used to going to bed early, you won’t have to put up with his scenes when he doesn’t want to go to bed, nor will you have to give in to his whims.
  • Peace of mind for the whole family. If the family is made up of other people as well, everyone will have the opportunity to get together and talk about matters that cannot be discussed in the presence of the child.

How to put a baby to bed early? 

In order for situations like the one described above not to occur, you must first establish a routine for putting your child to bed and you must follow it every night. 

If he is playing, tell him that he will be able to do so until a certain time and that when the clock indicates that the time is up, he must go to bed even if he wants to continue playing.

Convince him with a song, a story, a little cuddling in mom and dad’s bed. ..

Never forget how important sleep is for him and rest for the good mother you are.

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