How NOT To Raise Spoiled Children

Babies are not born spoiled, but they become spoiled because of the environment in which they grow up. So here are some tips to NOT raise spoiled children.
How NOT to raise spoiled children

Many think that babies are born spoiled, but this is a far cry from reality. Children are what they are because they become and parents have a lot of responsibilities. It is not easy to be a father or a mother, you have to make decisions that have short and long term repercussions and everyone makes mistakes. For this reason it can sometimes be useful to receive some advice, for example on how not to raise spoiled children.

You don’t have to feel guilty if you make a bad decision for your children. Especially if you thought it was the best choice you could make for their good.

For this reason, before making a decision, it is important to consider the possible long-term consequences and how your choices can affect the future of your children.

Today, many children are materialists and parents feel guilty because they work long hours and don’t spend much time with their children (although the quality of the time they spend together is more important than the quantity). Often, material things are purchased to please them and to feel at peace with themselves.

spoiled children

But what happens when a child grows up and their behavior begins to be that of a spoiled child? Parents will most likely wonder what they did wrong. The solution is not to look for the culprits, but to find ways to make children understand the value of things. How to do?

How NOT to raise spoiled children

Spend quality time with your children – no excuses

According to many studies, today’s children have a lower ability to recover from frustration and a greater tendency to suffer from anxiety, depression and selfishness. All this contributes to creating a false reality based on superficiality and material things, creating in them emotional discomfort and strong feelings of insecurity.

Being able to play freely, without using expensive toys or new technologies, is very important for children. You have to play and use your imagination. Children need to feel free and they also need your presence. They need to spend quality time with their parents to feel secure and build their personality. This will help them to be happy, stable and complete people.

Through play, people, and especially children, learn the necessary skills that will be useful in their life. By playing, children feel empathy, they learn to share and express their emotions and to control intense feelings such as anger and rage. In practice, under the careful supervision of their parents, the game helps them to grow and prepares them for everyday life.

The important values ​​for not raising spoiled children

On many occasions, parents abuse the “no” and punish children thinking they are educating their children well, but this is not the solution. In reality, by exercising this kind of power, children learn nothing. If you want to educate your children, you need to have a positive attitude and respect their feelings and interests. When your children do things right, point it out and praise them always.

spoiled children

Values ​​are transmitted through example and love, without using any pressure and without causing fear. Make sure your children are in control of their lives, even if under your guidance. They will do things on their own, based on their age and understanding. Your task is to convey tastes and values ​​and to set a good example.

Children who feel they can control their life decisions will be more responsible for their actions and internalize important values ​​sooner and better. You are a guide for your children who will learn not to be spoiled precisely because they have responsibility and control over their actions. This will help them understand the value of people, things and their actions.

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