How To Entertain A Child At A Restaurant

Say enough to tablets and mobile phones to make the little ones feel safe at the restaurant. In this article we explain how to entertain your child with a few simple tricks. Read on!
How to entertain a child in a restaurant

Entertaining a child in a restaurant can be a real challenge. In fact, this is a common problem that almost all parents face. And it gets even bigger especially when children are used to a daily routine of “independence” with regards to meals.

For example, if they usually eat at school or if they don’t eat together with their parents. Even when they eat at home, in the early years the little ones have different habits from the adults.

One of the main problems parents face when going to restaurants with their children is being able to keep them sitting quietly for quite a long period of time.

In fact longer than when I am at home or at school. Being able to entertain a child at the restaurant without disturbing the rest of the diners can turn into a real battle.

The fact that the child is small does not justify his rude behavior. We cannot allow the child to scream at the restaurant, to behave badly, to throw things, much less run between the tables.

We parents are responsible for his behavior and we must take this situation very seriously.

Entertaining a child in a restaurant is not easy at all.  Choose a suitable place for him

Some strategies for entertaining a child at a restaurant

The following strategies are very helpful in successfully entertaining a child in a restaurant. For them to be effective, it will help a lot if you explain to your child what will happen in the restaurant and what are the rules of behavior to follow.

1. Choose a family restaurant

Not all restaurants are suitable for dining with children. That’s why it’s important to choose between those that are family-friendly and child-friendly. And by this we mean that it is not enough that they have a high chair.

Other features to keep in mind are the type of menu and the availability of spaces for the little ones to play in once they have finished eating.

It is also important to choose a restaurant generally frequented by people with children. Usually these places, in fact, are designed so as to have few dangers and many solutions to entertain the smallest customers.  

2. Choose a restaurant where they serve food that children like

The best way to entertain a child in a restaurant is to keep them busy with what they eat. But if only dishes that are too sophisticated for children are served, if the times are very long between courses and if the food that is served is too “strange”, then here is the problem.

This is why we reiterate that it is important to go and eat in restaurants that include menus for children or where you are sure that your child will eat what is being served.

A restaurant is not the best place to have discussions about food or to have new experiences. Unless your child is very curious about this point of view.

One of the strategies for entertaining a child in a restaurant is to make him kick around between courses and let him discover the place

3. Play to explore the place

While you are waiting for the dishes you have ordered to arrive, you can play with the child to discover the restaurant.

An adult will accompany the child to find out what’s in that new place. Finding toilets, finding possible play areas and seeing all the beautiful things there are quiet and fun activities that can help.

The uncertainty of going to a new place and being in a different situation than usual can trigger different emotions in the child.

This way he will feel calmer and will not build up anxiety sitting in the chair waiting for food.

4. Take a stroll

Children have energy to spare and cannot remain inactive for a long time. If the restaurant does not have a play area for children then they need to let off their energy in some other way.

For this reason, before the child begins to fidget in the chair, an adult should go out with him in moments of waiting.

Letting the child walk around the tables is not a good idea. In fact, it could disturb the rest of the diners and cause unpleasant incidents with the waiters.

5. Bring toys to entertain the child

Always carry toys with you to entertain the child at the table.  Of course they must be toys that you know they like.

There is no need to specify that they must be small, that they must not make any noise, that if they fall off the table they do not roll around and that they do not excite the child too much.

The adequacy of the games will depend on the age of the child. Keep in mind that while leaving your cell phone with him at first may seem like a brilliant idea, in fact it isn’t. In addition to running the risk that the child breaks it or makes inappropriate use of it, the noise could disturb diners and neighbors at the table.

6. Take advantage of offering him teachings

Children are naturally curious. A restaurant is full of things they can learn. Paying attention to the child and taking advantage of teaching him new things is a very useful and practical way to entertain him.

Playing “I see something that…”, discovering colors or shapes, or inventing a story are some effective ways to entertain a child in a restaurant.

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