How To Help Children Manage The Stress Of Homework

Good organization and an adequate environment are key to coping with homework stress.
How to help children cope with homework stress

Homework can often lead to very tense situations. After a long day, both parents and children feel tired and when it comes time to do their homework, discussions begin. Establishing a schedule or homework routine can sometimes be complicated. Read on to find out how to help kids cope with homework stress.

Tips to help children cope with homework stress

Creating the right environment

A light-colored desk with enough space for school supplies and a bright room are the basic requirements for recreating the most appropriate homework environment. Children should not be confined to a room alone. It is common knowledge that children, especially younger ones, work best in a family environment, such as the kitchen.

It is equally important to reduce possible distractions: choose a quiet place and avoid distractions such as television or cell phones.

Choosing the right time of day

Choosing the right time is usually the hardest part. Some children do better if they take a break or have some free time before homework. On the other hand, some children prefer to study after eating or right after class, to enjoy the rest of the afternoon as long as possible.

Manage the stress of homework

It doesn’t matter what time the children do their homework, the important thing is that they are motivated and establish a daily routine. The routine, according to psychologist Annie de Acevedo, should be established based on the amount of homework that children are used to having.

Organization is the key to managing homework stress

In most cases, children can feel overwhelmed because they don’t know how to handle the burden of homework. At this point, adult help is essential. Knowing how to divide tasks, plan them in the most appropriate order and use school materials correctly are some basic conditions that children should learn from the beginning of the school year.

To do this, enlisting the help of specially designed programs, schemes or even applications are some of the essential organization tools, especially for the older ones.

Addressing challenges instead of avoiding them

It is frustrating to face an activity that you do not know how to do, especially for the little ones, who have not yet been able to adequately develop the ability to resolve. In this sense, parents must help children develop positive thinking in the face of challenges.

A good way for children to gradually deal with challenges is to classify schoolwork according to their difficulties. On the one hand, they can start with the simpler tasks to gain confidence when faced with the more difficult ones. Or start with the more complex ones and continue with the easier ones when they are most tired.

Mom and son doing homework

Encouraging children helps them manage the stress of homework

You can help children cope with the stress of homework by encouraging them, both when they are doing homework and by helping them organize, recreate the appropriate study environment, etc.

This doesn’t mean you have to finish their homework for them. You will have to let them “fail”, which can actually be very useful for learning.

What role do parents play in homework?

For Annie de Acevedo, parental help and supervision to manage homework stress is crucial. Undoubtedly, children show more interest in learning if parents get involved and support them with homework. Thanks to this motivation, children will perform better in school and learn to develop good study habits that will foster their sense of responsibility.

-Annie de Acevedo-

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