How To Raise A Child Without Complexes?

How to raise a child without complexes?

The answer to the question “how to raise a child without complexes?” it is simple and profound at the same time: love him, love him unconditionally  and he will grow up confident

You want the best for your child, you want him to be happy, you want him to dream and make his dreams come true, you want him to be safe and grow up without complexes. A nice picture, you certainly want it for you and for everyone. We all want to be happy.

Being present “here and now”, living today, frees us from enormous anguish and stress. It is the first piece of advice to achieve happiness: enjoy the moment, even if it is not as we had planned it. And guess what: your child learns from you, so if you are confident, balanced and without complexes, he will be too.

It does not matter what happens to him or what they say, if he has glasses, if he is very studious, if he does not like math: he will still be a safe child if he is convinced that his parents love him in spite of everything.

Spanish psychologist Rosa Jove points out that understanding a child and peace of mind in the family are usually a good starting point for their children to develop fully. “I’m not saying that just to say it. If we understand our children better, the problems lessen, ”he says.

Be in tune


If the first piece of advice to better understand your children is not to force them to do things ahead of time, the second will be to make sure you speak the same language, reveals the specialist.

Try to break down taboos, to grow together with your child, to be better every day; he will notice this growth.

According to what many child psychologists tell us, based on the way we will be treated as children, we will create certain bonds with our parents.

According to the established bond, the child’s behavior towards his parents will be more affectionate or more distant, more confidential or more defiant.

Without wanting it or knowing it, with their attitude many parents favor the emergence in their children of more destructive, less acceptable and more negative behaviors. The same concept applies when the behavior is positive and assertive.

To achieve this, specialists advise raising children by creating a secure attachment, which we can call normal or desirable.  

In this way – they explain to us – children see their protectors (parents) as a secure base. Their parents inspire confidence in them, because they have always been available and the children know they will be there and will help them in adversity.

In interpersonal relationships, children are usually more affectionate, stable and less prone to stress, because the figure of their parents reduces their cortisol and stress levels.


Support them unconditionally

If you take care of your child with love and intervene as often as necessary, the bonds that will be created between you and the child will be safe, healthy and strong; the child, therefore, will have fewer behavioral problems than when another type of bond is formed.

Don’t let him cry, try to understand what the problem is, in this way your child’s tantrums and behavior problems will lessen.

It is necessary to let them explore, let them play, try, make mistakes. When children have a choice, they develop confidence in their judgment and decision-making skills.

Certainly a child cannot make decisions about his life, but giving him small options (such as whether to use a cup or another, or a shirt or the other) will help him to be more confident in himself.

In addition to this, offer your child a variety of options and activities so that they can realize what they like best. Let him be who he chooses to be.  

Specialists advise to fuel their passions, be it an art form, a sport or learning all about dinosaurs.

Children who have the opportunity to live their passions will have more incentives to follow their interests and not fear the challenges that lie behind the options they choose, as their enthusiasm will be greater.

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