Itching In Pregnancy: Why Does It Happen?

Itching in pregnancy: why does it happen?

If you are pregnant, be prepared to experience several changes in your body: weight gain, cramps, changes in skin tone and especially itching in pregnancy. You may wonder if it is normal to feel itchy during pregnancy.

Each of the symptoms described are specific to pregnancy, but following the recommendations of your midwife, know that these changes in the epidermis during pregnancy must not become a cause of difficulties.

Itching in pregnancy: dermatitis

The pathologies that can affect the skin during the period of pregnancy have some particular characteristics. They are all completely normal, and unless you notice something unusual and particularly annoying, you won’t make a mistake in going to a health professional. Below, we talk about the most frequent.

Gestational herpes

Its incidence is variable. It appears most to women with multiple children and affects 70% of the white race. It starts with an exasperating itch that eventually creates a blister. It usually forms on the abdomen, near the navel.

Treatment for gestational herpes.

This pathology is autoimmune therefore it must be treated with corticosteroids and antihistamines, the treatment must take place for several weeks even after the imperfection has disappeared.

itching in pregnancy

Polymorphic eruption

It is the most common pathology in pregnancy and mainly affects new mothers and mothers of twins. One condition that increases this rash is being overweight.

It is an intense, almost unbearable itch that causes wounds in the skin that are palpable to the touch and reddish in color. It usually appears on the hips, abdomen, arms and legs. The cause is skin tightening during pregnancy.

Treatment for polymorphic rash.

The final cause is parakeratosis, the cellular formation of the skin that alters natural keratin and produces itching. The treatment is based on very potent topical corticosteroids applied to the lesions several times a day.


It is a rash of boils accompanied by severe itching. It can also occur on the whole body of the pregnant woman. It occurs mainly during the second trimester and disappears after delivery. The cause is attributed to acne and hormonal reactions.

Treatment for folliculitis.

Apply corticosteroids to infected skin. Benzoyl peroxide and ultraviolet B therapies are also recommended.


Its incidence is greatest in the first trimester of pregnancy. These are palpable lesions in the form of nodules. Commonly appearing on the arms and legs, the itching is very severe.

Treatment for scrapia.

No repercussions on the fetus are observed, which is why corticosteroid treatment is the most effective. To be added to antihistamines if the itching exceeds the resistance of the pregnant woman.

Cholestasis of pregnancy

Itching and tingling are the main characteristics of this pathology which can cause lesions in the skin due to the act of scratching. That is to say, the lesions are not due to the disease but to the nails scratching the skin in search of relief. Also this itch can radiate up to the hands.

In some cases, the skin takes on a yellowish tint, known as jaundice. The cause comes from the liver, which secretes a substance called bromine sulphthalein, due to the increase in estrogen in pregnancy.

Treatment for cholestasis.

After undergoing a blood test, an increase in alkaline phosphatase, transaminases and bilirubin is checked. For this reason, the treatment will be based on resincolestyramine and anti itch, or ursodeoxycholic acid.

In most cases, the prognosis for the mother is positive. The skin during pregnancy can remain scarred, both from scratching and from the disease itself.

itching in pregnancy

Itching in pregnancy: precautions

During pregnancy, it is essential that you take care of yourself. Avoiding any reactions that may cause greater discomfort.

For example, you must:

  • Extremely cleansing of the body.
  • Hydrate yourself well by drinking a lot.
  • Promote hydration with moisturizing creams.
  • Protect yourself from the sun.
  • Wear cool clothing.
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • Avoid alcohol-containing lotions and perfumes.

Finally, it is considered a normal condition that the skin changes during pregnancy, the belly begins to grow and the skin tissues unravel, which can cause stretch marks.

The heat and irritation can cause certain areas of the skin to become inflamed, causing it to itch. Remember that most of these diseases disappear after giving birth and you can use creams and other substances to regenerate your skin.

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