Late Motherhood: What Are The Real Causes?

Today, more and more women are choosing late motherhood. The causes are many, some positive and others negative.
Late motherhood: what are the real causes?

The late motherhood is an increasingly common choice among women, particularly in Italy. Today, the age of the first child has risen to around 32, and has been growing steadily for several decades.

In short, more and more women keep their decision not to be mothers for a long time. It’s a fact. But what are the real causes of  late motherhood ? Could it have serious consequences for the population?

Data on the birth rate

According to recent reports,  there is evidence that postponing motherhood does not depend only on the personal decision of each woman. That is, in general, it is not a question of a decision that each one takes for herself in freedom. Rather, there is a kind of social pressure, which forces her to stall on this aspect.

According to the analysis of specialists on the subject,  late motherhood is a serious problem for the population. In fact, the birth rate drops significantly. 

Other reasons for concern

After a certain age, women may find it more difficult to carry on a pregnancy. For this reason, fertility problems sometimes have permanent consequences. According to an analysis by the University Hospital of Copenhagen, only 71% of couples who attempt fertility treatments manage to conceive a child within 5 years. There is therefore a rather high failure rate, even if medicine is making important progress.

It cannot be said for certain that it is an emotional conflict in women today, especially when  the probable causes, in general, go back, for the most part, to social and economic factors.

How do women justify their late motherhood?

The majority of women of childbearing age without children cite, among the causes of their situation, a panorama that dissuades them from becoming mothers, because it charges them with too many responsibilities. The lack of individual commitment in the couple, including the care and maintenance of the child, is among the main reasons  that motivate the conscious postponement of motherhood.

We can mention a small percentage of women who have tried unsuccessfully to become a mother. Therefore, it is not considered an obvious cause. In this particular case, we are not only referring to single women, but we also find  stable couples, who pause the arrival of a child in their hectic lives.

Financial problems and the absence of public aid

These are listed among the factors that regularly appear as justifications  for late motherhood. Ironically, these lawsuits are easier to resolve, with the right programs and the right attention.

A woman who chooses to delay her motherhood is mostly avoiding the complications inherent in this situation, because she is sure of the limits she will have in the workplace and profession. Furthermore, motherhood represents costs and commitments that not everyone is willing to bear. Above all, considering the father’s frequent disengagement from this type of responsibility.

People who live on their employment alone cannot lose it or put it at risk. A woman, who is promoted in the company, has finally won the battle in the workplace. And she is not willing to lose what she has gained. In this sense, we  understand that, socially, there is a responsibility in women’s decision about motherhood,  because for them it means retreating in their progress and losing many freedoms.

The role of women in society has changed: no longer just wives and mothers, today we are workers, scientists, artists, people across the board. Or at least we try, because the difficulties are still enormous. Unfortunately, however, this causes a decrease in children, also due to the lack of serious policies to promote the birth rate. In fact, the adult population has increased and continues to age, without measures being taken to promote a better social context for motherhood.

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