Natural Creams For Pregnancy And After Childbirth

Natural creams for pregnancy and after childbirth

Nature, with her wisdom, offers us remedies for any ailment, and skin care during pregnancy is not excluded from these. There are many natural creams that can help us improve the traces that pregnancy leaves on us, and they are useful both during gestation and after childbirth.

One of the advantages of using natural creams is that they are great for this period of our life when we are most sensitive  and responsible for the health of our little one. These products are necessary both from an aesthetic point of view and to minimize pain, and they come in different variations.

Here are some recommendations regarding natural creams for pregnancy and the postpartum period. We hope they are as effective for you as they have been for the mothers who recommend them.

Natural creams for all needs

Pregnant women can suffer from many ailments during pregnancy. It is not always about physical issues, but also about changes that can be dealt with in a natural way. For some mothers, using relaxation products has worked, and in most cases it helps them psychologically to cope better with some bodily ailments  caused by motherhood.

Many women relieve their pain and gain more confidence through a good massage. Other times it is enough to feel that they are doing something to remove the blemishes from their face or to reverse the dreaded cellulite.

For this reason, thanks to their components, there are natural creams for the main needs of mothers, before and after childbirth. Among the most common phenomena are the following.

pregnant woman

Stretch marks

To treat stretch marks, we recommend creams designed to prevent their appearance or mitigate their presence. The most effective are those based on ingredients such as:

  • Gotu kola. It is found in most skin care products, often combined with rosehip.
  • Vitamin E. Promotes elasticity, micro-circulation and skin regeneration.
  • Jojoba oil. It is able to penetrate the pores and regenerate the skin.
  • Rose hip. Healing and capable of regenerating tissues.


Its occurrence during pregnancy is very common, in particular due to hormonal alterations. It is also a phenomenon caused by fluid retention and compression of the skin’s circulatory system. The most recommended creams for mothers who wish to treat cellulite are those that contain:

  • Birch oil. The properties of birch oil make it ideal for eliminating liquids and toxins.
  • Vitamin C. It favors the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which is why it stimulates the elasticity of the skin and helps to make it firm.
  • Gotu kola. It has properties that stimulate metabolism and cell nourishment, which allows for skin regeneration.


Loss of elasticity is a frequent problem during pregnancy. Fortunately, we can intervene through the application of firming substances present in natural creams based on:

  • Wheat germ. It improves the appearance of the skin because it produces a smoothing effect. Ideal during gestation and breastfeeding.
  • Citrus based products. Creams made from orange, lemon, lime or mandarin are antioxidants, so they help eliminate fat and are refreshing.
  • Royal jelly. It is useful for reducing impurities and at the same time for moisturizing the skin, improving its elasticity and preventing aging. It is a product rich in vitamins such as B and E, it contains iodine, magnesium and antioxidants. Promotes cell renewal.

pregnancy spots

Sore nipples

During lactation they can be affected the nipples, both for superficial irritation and for wounds that can become infected. There are many creams on the market to alleviate this problem. But those of natural origin are the most recommended, for example those that contain: 

  • Calendula. It is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties, very effective in the treatment of wounds.
  • Cod liver. Cod liver oil helps relieve inflammation, preventing pain from becoming constant.
  • Arnica. It is very effective in treating inflammation and has analgesic properties. It is highly healing.

Spots on the face

The face of the pregnant woman may be affected by undesirable spots caused by the hormonal changes. Acne is equally common. Although these disorders generally disappear after childbirth, we can help their elimination by using natural creams rich in the following ingredients:

  • Almond oil. It is moisturizing, softens the skin and has regenerating properties.
  • Snail slime. Eliminates impurities, regenerates, nourishes and is capable of reducing most stains. It is an astringent and anti-inflammatory substance, very effective in treating acne.

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