Secrets For Conscious Fatherhood

There are fathers who actively experience the growth and care of their children in all aspects: mental, physical and emotional. On “We are Moms” today we talk about the secrets for a conscious fatherhood.
Secrets to Conscious Fatherhood

In pregnancy, during conversations, it is normal to congratulate the mother and point out how wonderful the experience of giving birth is, there is no doubt about this, it is an indescribable feeling. But … what do they say about fathers and conscious paternity?

It is certain that in our society there are many stories in which fathers have not given the best of themselves. They are not very affective, are absent or do not take into consideration the needs of their little ones. But on the other hand, there are fathers who actively experience the growth and care of their children in all aspects: mental, physical and emotional.

These fathers turn into active agents throughout the process, experiencing their own beautiful discovery. From an integrity point of view, they share the best of themselves with their little ones.

Exercising conscious fatherhood

Exercising conscious fatherhood

We live in times when the father who accompanies his newborn, changes diapers and actively participates in the development of the baby is the one who “helps” the mother. This is an idea that we need to eradicate from our collective vocabulary. When the father takes on all these commitments, it is when he really exercises his fatherhood in a conscious way.

And it must be a joy to do it… being a father, like being a mother is a great responsibility. We cannot limit ourselves exclusively to the material aspect.

We must emphasize the importance that the father has in the life of the children. Outdated ideas about parenting must be left behind. The old preconceptions that some fathers have imprinted in their minds such as “the mother is the only one that matters in the growth of a child”, it is time that they leave room for a conscious fatherhood.

Exercise conscious fatherhood with the mother. Forming a team: this is the secret to raising healthy children and the most important thing is that in the future they will feel loved, free and self-sufficient.

Advice for responsible fathers and conscious fatherhood

Advice for responsible fathers

You can change paradigms and grow great human beings. If you are a father and are reading this, take these tips into consideration, rejoice and learn from this lifelong phase.

Presence and quality of time spent with children

By thinking of yourself as creative agents, you are helping your little one to grow and evolve. Since pregnancy, you actively participate in its development. As it grows, be attentive to what it needs, listen to it and support it. This will develop trust and love between you.

Participation in growth

Make the most of every moment with your little one and get close to participating in tasks such as changing the diaper, massaging before bed, carrying him in the crib and calming him when he cries. The complicity that this behavior creates is beautiful.

Emotional approach

The relationship you develop with your child is important for their future. Having an affectionate and unconditional contact with him opens the doors to allow him to show you what he feels, in an environment of trust and safety.

Expressing your emotions is a fundamental teaching during growth. It leads to evaluate one’s emotions, regulate oneself and express oneself in the best way with the children.

Good communication for conscious fatherhood

Developing an assertive way of communicating with children will greatly benefit your relationship. Listen to them carefully and express yourself in the best possible way with them, always allow them to express their point of view.

Let them know when you share what they say and softly correct what you don’t think is right. Being a strict and disrespectful father never leads to a good path. On the contrary, expressing oneself firmly but with respect opens many doors when choosing a conscious fatherhood.

Respect always

Respect plays a key role in the growth of your little ones. Behave with respect to all family members, do not verbally or physically abuse children. Be open with them and explain the importance of this value throughout their life. They do not learn by your speeches but by example, this is the best way to raise them.

Unconditional love

When your children feel your love without any kind of limit, it is a great benefit for you and for them. A good family environment where they feel safe and loved will fortify their self-esteem. Love for themselves will make them whole and healthy beings, capable of managing their emotions and knowing how to express themselves in front of everyone.

Fathers are very important in the growth of children. When they are conscious and responsible fathers, they contribute to the mental, physical and emotional health of the little ones. Furthermore, this is a journey of discovery with one’s emotional side that brings benefits in many aspects, both for self-esteem and in the couple relationship.

To be a good father is to be self-aware and to teach your children all that is good about you.

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