Small Red Spots On The Baby’s Skin: What Are They?

There are many diseases that can cause small red spots on the baby’s skin. We list them here.
Small red spots on the baby's skin: what are they?

Sometimes children have common problems. For example, small red spots on the skin are common and it is important to know what causes them. In fact, although the symptoms may be similar, the causes may differ from child to child.

Usually,  small red spots are a first manifestation of chickenpox, but without a medical diagnosis, other pathologies cannot be ruled out a priori. It is possible that some little ones develop uncommon diseases and identifying what triggered this skin problem can be more complicated than expected. In this article we will illustrate the most probable causes behind the appearance of these spots.

What are these little red spots?

Little girl in bed with small red spots

Rashes, irritation and rashes that appear in the form of small red spots are defined by doctors with the term exanthema. The size and shape of these are varied, usually itchy and appear in different areas of the body. They can spread completely on the skin or appear only in specific places.

The main childhood diseases that cause these rashes are chickenpox, measles, and rubella. However, these conditions are unlikely today, thanks to the administration of vaccines. Therefore, many mothers can end up worrying a great deal about not being able to determine what happens to their little one.

Anyway, experts claim that 70% of the time, small red spots appear due to viral diseases. For this reason, they end up disappearing on their own without causing further problems. Despite this, it is always advisable to seek the advice of the pediatrician, especially when there are other symptoms at the same time.

Main causes of small red spots on the skin

To prevent the diseases that cause these rashes from affecting the little ones in the house, it is very important to keep vaccinations up to date. However, as we have said, the small red spots can be caused by conditions that are not common in children.

Mom puts cream on the baby

Likewise, it is convenient to know which diseases favor the appearance of these skin manifestations, in order to be able to intervene as quickly as possible. Let’s see the 6 most common causes of small red spots in babies:


It usually affects children between the ages of two and ten. It is one of the most common childhood diseases. It can also appear in adults, but less frequently. It is caused by a highly contagious virus.

This virus stays in the body for a long time, which is why it is able to reappear. Its symptoms include fever, joint and head pain, as well as small red spots on the skin.

Atopic dermatitis

It is among the most common conditions that occur with regards to the skin of babies and young children. The most obvious symptom is the appearance of a rash that causes itching, dryness and peeling. In some cases, scabs with a high level of irritation form in large areas of the skin.


This is also a disease caused by a virus. It is typical of children, among whom it can spread rapidly. In addition to the red spots on the skin, other symptoms such as cough, fever, and swollen lymph nodes may occur.

Scarlet fever

Unlike other similar diseases, scarlet fever is caused by streptococci. It is relatively contagious, mainly transmitted through sneezing and droplets of saliva. Symptoms that are related to this disease are: small red spots on the skin, fever, sore throat, nausea and dry skin.


This bacterial infection is characterized by the appearance of rashes that usually end up blistering. It spreads by contact with the skin of the sick child. The main areas that are affected are: face, neck, nappy areas and hands.


Like other similar diseases, measles has almost been eradicated thanks to the application of vaccines. For this reason, cases are less and less frequent. It is a very contagious viral disease, but once it gets over, it never reappears.

It can be diagnosed by the presence of small red spots on the skin that occur after the disease has progressed. Initial symptoms are similar to those of a cold, lasting for about three days.

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