Swimming For Babies: All The Benefits

Swimming for babies promotes aquatic stimulation by using play as a playful element that brings many benefits. Beyond the fun of the baby, strengthening the parent / child connection is important.
Swimming for the baby: all the benefits

Babies need many hours of sleep to develop properly, but during the time they are awake they need to be active. Swimming for babies is an excellent option for stimulating the body and mind of children.

In addition to the many benefits, swimming for babies strengthens their bond with their parents through fun and learning.

Swimming for the baby? What’s this?

Although swimming for babies involves a series of positions and movements, it should not be interpreted as a simple physical activity. His goal is not only to teach the baby to swim but also to develop the baby’s musculoskeletal system, which is ready for swimming after the fourth month of life.

On the one hand, by using play as a playful element, swimming promotes the baby’s aquatic stimulation. With the help of the parents, the little one will experience the sensation of moving in the water and floating. On the other hand, the activity proposes an exchange of parent / child sensations and experiences.

Swimming for the baby also acts as an intermediate step that facilitates the adaptation of the little one to his new reality. The semi-immersion brings them back to when they were still in the womb, while experiencing the first contacts with the extrauterine world.

Remember that such an activity must always be supervised by a professional. He will be in charge of proposing the most suitable movements and games according to the age of the baby.

swimming for the baby

Benefits of swimming for babies

This activity has the following advantages for the little one.

  • Psychomotor stimulation: babies cannot walk or perform complex movements as their musculoskeletal system is still immature. This is why swimming is the best way to offer him the possibility of experimenting with three-dimensional movements and allows him to work on coordination.
  • Fortifies the cardiovascular and respiratory systems: aquatic stimulation by means of games and movements helps to fortify the heart, lungs and vascular structure that promotes blood circulation. As a result, heart rate improves and tissue oxygenation is optimized.
  • Development of cognitive abilities: swimming games are proposed as playful elements to promote the cognitive, emotional and social development of the baby. It has been observed that water activity from an early age stimulates learning and increases the creativity of children.
  • Strengthens the immune system: swimming improves physical stamina and stimulates the formation of tissues in the baby’s body. All of this has a positive impact on the immune system, while also reducing the risk of disease.

    Strengthen the parent / child bond

    In addition to the specifically physical benefits for the baby, with this activity you will also strengthen the bond that unites you.

    • Strengthening the parent / child bond: it is true that the love between a parent and a child is unconditional by nature, through swimming this bond is strengthened. Through games and activities, parents and children share experiences, emotions and caresses.
    • Starting the child’s social life in a positive, safe and playful environment: swimming for babies can be the first contact of the baby with the world outside the family nucleus. This will help ensure that, in the future, the little one will be easier to adapt to new environments and therefore to live in society.
    • Give your baby fun, tranquility and safety: all this is essential for his well-being and for correct physical and psychological development.

    swimming for the baby

    At what age can you start swimming for babies?

    There is no real age to start swimming with your child. In ancient times, experts said it was best to wait until the development of the musculoskeletal system and the immune system were completed. This happens in the first 5 or 6 months of life, things may be different for a premature baby.

    Nowadays, however, this position is being questioned by many doctors and enthusiasts of the business. Several scholars recognize the benefits of aquatic stimulation in childhood for the development of the child.

    You can therefore start this type of business very early. However, we must keep in mind the need to prevent probable hypothermia, ear infections or colds.

    We therefore recommend that you consult your doctor before swimming with your baby. In addition to checking his state of health and development, the doctor will be able to give his consent and make sure that the activity will be positive for the child.

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