The Feelings That Help Children To Be Happy

A hug, a caress, a kiss. Contact with your children can give rise to very positive feelings that help them to be happy.
The feelings that help children to be happy

Love is everything when you are a parent, but unfortunately that is not enough to raise a child. When it comes time to fill her heart, a mother and father need to know how. This implies, on the one hand, avoiding certain undesirable behaviors. On the other hand, to foster those feelings that will contribute to the happiness of the little one.

For this reason, in this article of “We are Moms” we will reveal to you what are the sensations that you will have to awaken in your child, as well as all the actions that will be best avoided and eradicated from your life, if you do not want to trigger toxic attitudes that could last for a long time. in adulthood.

The feelings that help children to be happy

The conscious love of each parent lies precisely in the immense ability to generate a feeling of strong bond. So unique and special, for those who have experienced the joy of having given birth to a new life and, at the same time, so inexplicable for those who have not yet wanted or have not had the opportunity to experience it.

This deep-rooted and indissoluble bond between mother and child occurs precisely when the child feels part of the family, for which he feels he is important. All children like to be taken into account and for parents to consider them, of course, as unique and special. Apart from everything and everyone.

Of course, another of the feelings you need to awaken in your baby to help him grow up healthy and happy is acceptance. This involves accepting differences and loving them as they come and as they are, with all their virtues and flaws. Set aside hurtful comparisons and avoid painful expectations of change.

Little girls play with soap bubbles

On the contrary, the child should always feel valued, so it becomes essential to constantly demonstrate how important he is in your life and what he is worth as a person. Highlighting his strengths and abilities.

At the same time, respect is another of the important feelings for having a happy baby. No matter his age, temperament, tastes or personal behavior: nothing makes him inferior or invalidates his right of opinion, choice and growth. Only in this way will he feel absolutely free.

Clearly, the child must feel content at all times, knowing that his emotions are accepted and respected. Dialogue and understanding are fundamental pillars to be able to accompany the child in the most delicate moments and that he will have to face, during the most intense phase of his life.

Sensations that speak of love

But all those sensations that you will have to awaken in your baby, which we have just recapitulated, are not the only ones. There are others, equally essential, which will need to be kept in mind. For example, the child must feel the support of the parents when he wins and when he loses, in order to favor and interest in what he does, for every step forward, regardless of successes and possible failures.

It is also necessary for the child to feel loved unconditionally and in all circumstances. No matter the mistakes or the mistakes made: your child will always need to hear a “I love you” that will restore calm and serenity. To make this possible, never take anything for granted, even when it comes of age.

For this reason, children need to be caressed, kissed, hugged, cared for, observed, held and nursed. No matter what they tell you, contact is essential to their happiness, it heals any defeat, any pain.

The sensations of a father's hug to a son

Wrong actions that take away happiness

As we have said, parents must learn to love their children and always do it. Therefore, even facing the thousands of conflicts that our daily life offers, we must do our best to be present, to love the parents and thus to leave an indelible mark on their hearts.

Hence, we advise you to give them space, removing them from a series of negative attitudes or toxic behaviors that could make them pay a high price in the future. Therefore, you should consider avoiding those actions that inevitably risk creating a clear separation between parents and children:

  • Shouting, severely punishing them, hitting and jerking them violently.
  • Offend them in public.
  • To criticize them excessively.
  • Constantly repeating comparisons with other children.
  • Label them with inappropriate words.
  • Do not listen to them.
  • Don’t play with them.

The education of your child is in your hands and, therefore, also the future of this life that you have forged with love and sacrifice. School, sport, formal education are not enough to help him be happy. You will have to learn, every day, to transmit those positive feelings that will help make him a balanced and peaceful adult, aware of himself and of the world around him.

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