The Spoiled Child Syndrome: What Is It About?

“Once upon a time there was a man so poor that all he had was money.” Material wealth does not give any kind of emotional wealth. Spoiled Child Syndrome is a reality and, for this reason, we want to tell you about it.
The spoiled child syndrome: what is it all about?

We live in a society that pushes towards extreme consumerism. Everyone knows that we are offered numerous products that lead us to think that we are happy just by having them. P roprio due to the impact this has on our children, the spoiled child syndrome is becoming more and more common.

The the spoiled child syndrome is a problem for the parents, but also for society in general. Because a child full of vices will certainly not be an adult full of respect and empathy for others.

Consume, consume, consume. But is this really happiness? When we are children we don’t give too much importance to things. In fact, for a child, objects are just a way to have fun. They are never an end in themselves. However, we are reaching a tipping point. Often people are educated in such a way that they can achieve more and more. Thus arises the spoiled child syndrome.

The spoiled child syndrome

Spoiled Child Syndrome is a disorder that occurs in children who have grown up in an overprotective environment. In these cases, the lack of attention, time and affection on the part of the parents is compensated for through material goods. It does not only happen in wealthy families, but also in the middle class, where these means are used as a method of education.

The children affected by this syndrome exhibit the behavior of spoiled or rude children, who believe they have a right to everything and who do not ask, but demand.

They are lazy children who cannot tolerate frustration. This is why they don’t know how to handle situations where they don’t get what they want. Indeed, they also become violent and are subject to fits of anger.

Happy child playing

Consequences of the spoiled child syndrome

Children affected by the syndrome encounter various problems in developing their personality. When they grow, they usually have the following characteristics.

  • Low self-esteem. They were not helped to develop their potential. They always had it all without doing anything, without effort.
  • Bad management of emotions. They do not know how to act in the face of emotions and these cause them various annoyances. Nobody told them what to do when sad, angry, or happy. They don’t have the tools to manage emotions.
  • Poor tolerance of frustration. I am not able to understand that there are times when you do not get what you want and that things do not go as hoped.
  • Aggression. They exhibit high levels of aggression due to the above points. Usually, they have behavior problems in the school, family and / or social environment.
  • Alcohol and drugs. A high percentage of adolescents educated in these settings have alcoholism or drug problems.
  • Poor academic performance. These children and adolescents often have poor academic performance, as they lack the ability to set goals in life.

Is the responsibility of the parents?

In many cases this is the case. With the intent of introducing their child to consumer society, many parents believe that the important thing is that the child has everything. Better still if he has a copy of everything.

For this reason, they give children lots of toys, the latest cell phones and lots of clothes they don’t really need. They often do this to make up for the time they can’t spend with them. They think that objects can make up for their absence. However, this is a serious mistake that can have negative consequences for the little ones.

Furthermore, many of these parents are also quite permissive, which results in a total lack of boundaries and poor compliance with the rules.

Children sharing toys

What can be done to avoid spoiled child syndrome?

  • Spending quality time with your children. Work is a necessity, but the moments you spend with your children must be the best of the day. Try to take advantage of it to play together and to help them with their homework and study.
  • Establish rules. Children need boundaries and rules to help them tell the difference between what’s good for them and what’s not. It doesn’t mean being authoritarian. There are a thousand ways to educate properly without going that far.
  • Reward their efforts. Teach them that through effort they will be able to achieve many things. To do this, help them discover their qualities and enhance them. Also, you can reward them when they achieve a result. Be careful to choose a premium that is appropriate for their age and that is not excessive.

Discover at this link the first case of a person exonerated because he is a victim of the spoiled child syndrome.

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