Undesirable Effects Of The Vaccine On Babies

Vaccines are necessary for babies to prevent them from contracting potentially serious diseases. However, very often we hear about the unwanted effects of the vaccine on children.
Undesirable effects of the vaccine on the baby

The issue of vaccines is a much discussed issue. Although specialists recommend their administration, there are groups of people who reject them as harmful. Knowing the undesirable effects of the vaccine on the baby is very important for parents to make the right decision.

Vaccines were designed to avoid disease. The protests arise because the vaccines themselves are created from the virus of the disease itself. However, their use has shown a decrease in the spread of fatal diseases.

Even as a newborn it is important to protect the health of the little ones. Vaccines perform this function and prevent the spread of fatal diseases in premature age. This is why it is very important to check vaccines by the pediatrician.

In this article we will talk about the  unwanted effects of the vaccine on the baby .

Undesirable effects of the vaccine: vaccine control

An important part of checking at the pediatrician is checking vaccinations. Their administration is in accordance with the age and development of the child. In some cases, there are vaccines that need more than one dose to be effective.

In Italy, 10 compulsory vaccinations have recently been established, in response to the decline in the percentage of children vaccinated. But this does not mean that you have to do 10 separate injections, because some vaccines are combined in one administration. Here are the vaccines that are usually given:

  • hexavalent vaccine : it is given in three doses starting from the second month of life up to one year. It protects against six diseases: polio, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type B. Other combined formulations are used for recalls of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and poliomyelitis performed in school age
  • MMR trivalent vaccine : this vaccine is administered around the 13th-15th month, and requires a booster at 6 years. Protects against: measles, mumps and rubella;
  • varicella vaccine : given alone or together with the trivalent MMR.

What are the undesirable effects of the vaccine on the baby?

Undesirable effects from vaccines occur rarely. Much depends on the baby’s immune system and vaccine tolerance. The effects, however, can be mild, moderate or severe.

The most common reactions are fever, irritation, pain and irritability. Some children also have a loss of appetite; in this case being considered a mild effect, antipyretics will be administered.

side effects of the vaccine

Moderate reactions can result in fever up to 40 °. In addition, prolonged crying up to 5 days with seizures every three hours may occur. Convulsions or loss of consciousness may occur as severe side effects.

How to combat vaccine side effects?

Before any desperate action, consult a specialist. However, there are home treatments that can help alleviate base effects.

  • In case of fever. If it is a matter of malaise or mild fever, home remedies such as placing wet cloths on the forehead can be used. Or bathe the baby to lower the body temperature.

    If the fever is high, the doctor’s instructions should be followed; most of the time it is treated with antipyretics. Some doctors recommend a preventive dose to avoid the onset of feverish symptoms.

    Infections, pain, malaise

    • In case of irritation or infection. It usually occurs in the area where the vaccine was given, in these cases cold water can be applied to relieve the discomfort.

    If there is swelling or irritation, do not touch the area. It will heal on its own. In the unpleasant case of an abscess it is advisable to consult a doctor.

    • In case of pain or discomfort. In general, arms or legs, depending on where the vaccine is given, remain a little sore and this could cause discomfort and irritation for the little ones. The best thing to do is to let the baby rest avoiding touching the painful area.

      side effects of the vaccine

      When any moderate or severe side effects arise, you should contact your doctor promptly. Quick attention to each symptom will ensure the progress of healing.

      Vaccination recommendations

      • Relying on specialists. Vaccines must be administered under the supervision of a physician, as well as must be guaranteed by the factory institution. Also, take all hygienic precautions during administration.
      • Medical indications. Pediatricians are the only ones who can tell you when it’s time to vaccinate your baby. Some children may not have all the conditions necessary to be vaccinated, both due to personal characteristics and the presence of other transient diseases.

        With all this information you can surely get an idea about it. The more you know the more you can decide what is best for your child. Furthermore, it is always good to have the opinion of a professional.

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