What To Do If You Can’t Sleep During Pregnancy

The secret is to stay away from the smart phone at least a couple of hours before going to bed: it will be of great help to fall asleep and rest. But there are also other ways to sleep well during pregnancy.
What to do if you can't sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women experience sleeping differently than before. It is normal: it is a phase in which the woman’s body undergoes great physical and emotional changes and all this can seriously compromise the quality of sleep. The problem is that not sleeping well will cause even more fatigue and a lack of energy for a pregnant woman. In this article we tell you what to do if you are unable to sleep during pregnancy.

So, if you are pregnant and start to find that you wake up often at night, get up to pee or just can’t sleep because you suffer from insomnia, don’t worry. There are some tips to follow to make your nights different and to sleep better. Here’s what to do if you can’t sleep while pregnant.

Tips for sleeping well during pregnancy

1. Darkness, essential to sleep well during pregnancy

Resting in a dark room is ideal, although it’s true that many people don’t like it. In these cases, it is best to minimize light sources, so as not to offer external stimuli to the body that keep it awake. In fact, a dimly lit room induces sleep more easily than a well-lit room.

There are women who choose to wear sleep masks. That way, they won’t have to darken the bedroom with thick, heavy curtains or pull the blinds down completely to fall asleep.

On the other hand, it is better to stay away from electronic devices (tablets, mobile phones, computers), to avoid waking up at night. Plus, this is the perfect time to detox from the digital world.

Baby bump in black and white

2. Pay attention to the ambient temperature

In summer it may be too hot and in winter too cold. It is very important that during pregnancy, in the bedroom where you sleep, there is a pleasant temperature so that you can rest without problems.

You can purchase an indoor thermometer to place it inside the room to check the ambient temperature. You can adjust it accordingly so that it is neither too cold nor too hot. If hot flashes occur during pregnancy, make sure that the room temperature is ideal for promoting rest.

3. White noise, an aid to sleep well in pregnancy

White noise is highly recommended for fighting insomnia and rest in general. Helps to gradually relax the body and mind.

If the sounds from the street are bothering you while you sleep, white noise might be a good solution for you.

4. Turn off the television one hour earlier

Although many people manage to fall asleep with the television on, others do not. In case you belong to the second group, try to turn off the television at least an hour before going to sleep. This gesture will help you fall asleep faster and rest better. Consider it another ritual in your sleep routine.

Speaking of rituals, you could plan an entire relaxation strategy: have dinner at least two hours before bed, take a slow bath in lukewarm water, write in your personal diary, or do any simple activity that invites you to let go of your body and prepare to rest. Also, remember that just as it is important to relax the body, it is also essential to learn to gradually relax the mind.

Couple relaxing

5. Find the best sleeping position

It is not easy to find a good sleeping position in pregnancy, but it is also not impossible. You will have to take your time to find the one that works best for you. One of the most recommended is to the side, with the knees slightly bent.

Sleeping on the left side improves blood circulation and relieves pressure on the vena cava and liver. Pillows induce sleep and can be used to support the belly, head and lower back when placed between the legs.

The watchword is: relax

Take your time to relax both mind and body. You could do breathing exercises, listen to soothing music, talk to your partner in bed, do quiet hobbies like sewing. Find a moment for yourself, find your moment of calm before going to bed. We are sure it will help you feel calmer and sleep better.

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