Your Child Can’t Fall Asleep Soon?

Is your child unable to fall asleep early?

Falling asleep early doesn’t have to be stressful for you or your child. Conversely, it must be the reward at the end of the day, a natural act, an action to be completely accustomed to. However, when our little ones are unable to sleep or refuse to fall asleep early, we are faced with a problem that we must resolve before it becomes a habit.

Falling asleep early will allow both you and your child to have enough energy to face the challenges of the new day that is about to begin.

A good rest is essential for children to develop their mental skills, assimilate what they have learned and can endure a tiring day at school.

A good night’s sleep will mean having your batteries charged throughout the day, will help strengthen the immune system and help prevent various diseases. It will also improve the mood.

Simply put, getting enough sleep will make your child physically and emotionally healthier.

Sleeping is an involuntary act, the body desires it even if the children oppose it. Falling helpless in the arms of Morpheus, the deity of sleep, doesn’t have to be a bad experience for your child. If we get irritated or angry because he doesn’t want to fall asleep, we will only provoke further rejection and rebellion.

Going to sleep early: the most hated time of day

Sad child because he does not want to fall asleep soon

Sometimes it is we mothers who foment this resistance in our children. We keep them busy with many activities (sports, music lessons, language courses) with the false belief that once they get home, they will be so tired that they will go straight to bed, but the truth is that we generate a totally reverse effect.

Other times we moms keep our babies awake longer than they should. If we understand that falling asleep early is good for their health, we shouldn’t.

We spend the day at work or we are often busy with lots to do, and when we see our little ones  we want to share as much time as possible with them by extending the hours of play. In this way, however, we end up sending them to bed too late.

Can’t fall asleep early? Some advices  

Little girl sleeping with a soft toy

Here are some tips for getting your child to sleep at the right time:

  • Calculate the time when you should wake up. If your little one is pre-school age, it is important that he gets enough sleep so that he does not get up with difficulty in the morning.
    • Explain to him that sleep is necessary as well as eating or even playing. Knowing and experiencing the benefits of rest will allow your child to understand that falling asleep early is not an obligation, but a need.
    • Give your children the tools to learn that going to bed at the appointed time will help them perform better  during their football or ballet classes.
    • Find your balance. Between the daily duties and the moments you spend with your child there must be a space for the optimal rest of both.
    • Establish a routine. Doing the same things over and over before going to bed will be a habit for children: brushing their teeth, putting on their pajamas, and turning off the light, for example.
    • Establish a fixed time to go to bed. Even if the children resist, it is important that they know that it is a norm they must respect. During the weekend you can be a little more flexible with the schedule, but not too much.
      • Give him time to relax before falling asleep. Turn off the television and all electronic devices some time before your rest. Teach him that his cooperation is important, that it is a joint effort.
      • Let him know that sleeping is a pleasant act. Accompany him to his room, have a short conversation with him or read him a story so that falling asleep early is more pleasant for him.
      • Reward him for his behavior. If he goes to bed alone at the agreed time, you can reward him the next morning; a few words of recognition or making him his favorite breakfast will show him that it’s worth it.

      As mothers, we must be aware that each habit takes a long time to build and, like everything, patience and conciliation.

      Knowledge is power and if you can put into practice all the advice we have proposed in our article, you will discover how many benefits can be obtained if there are more rested and happier children and mothers in the home.

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