Your Child’s Diet Changes At Two Years Old

Your child's diet changes at the age of two

The two-year-old child must already get much of his nourishment from meat, fruit, vegetables, bread, cereals and dairy products, but especially from whole milk. Do you want me to eat everything? Then give them as much variety of foods as possible.

It is time to teach your child to eat everything. Do you want a child with correct eating habits? Then remember that he is educated by example: the foods ingested by your child will be increasingly influenced by the habits of his family and the people around him.

For each age, a different diet

Feeding a diet rich in foods will allow your child to get enough vitamins and minerals.

Remember that babies do not grow as fast as infants, so  their age-related nutritional needs decline during the second year of life, and even as they continue to gain weight, they do not double as they do when they are babies.


Flavor and protein

Nutrition doctors explain to us that once this age is reached, it is necessary to encourage the intake of proteins.

Your child is likely to ask especially for carbohydrates such as pasta and rice, but you need to provide them with proteins, as they help strengthen and develop the muscular system.

Nutritionists recommend  preparing food creatively  because children scrutinize food and don’t eat what they don’t like visually.

If you are going to feed your children fish – food they are used to be very reluctant about – you can make them fish nuggets or croquettes. 

“This dish doesn’t have to be fried, because, as we all know, fats aren’t healthy;  you can cook the fish in the oven, obtaining a consistency and taste similar or even better than those of fried fish “, explain the experts.

This idea applies to fish, chicken and red meat.

You can also opt for meatballs  stuffed with cheese.

You have to season the meat, add two beaten eggs and ¾ cup of breadcrumbs, until you get the right consistency, and then make balls.

The main courses can be accompanied not only by the classic potatoes, but also by  pumpkin or courgette purée.


Colors on the table

Salads must attract their attention, they must be full of color;  you can add carrots or beets, for example. When children are two years of age, they are very attracted to colors.

You must also encourage the ingestion of natural fruit. Pay attention to citrus fruits; do not exclude them, but give them in moderation. 

Remember that at two, children still have very sensitive taste buds. Nutritionists, therefore, advise us to  give them one or two different fruits a week, because they are still discovering many flavors.

Depending on their reaction, you can combine various types of fruit by cutting them into small pieces or blending them.

Try playing with the color of the fruit  to get your baby’s attention.

Sound advice

  • Between meals, try to give the children water and no other food.
  • It is not recommended to give sweets or sweetened drinks, because they make you lose your appetite and contribute to the appearance of tooth decay.
  • Avoid adding salt, sugar or strong seasonings to your dishes.
  • Products containing caffeine (carbonated drinks, coffee, tea or chocolate) are not recommended.
  • A hyperactive or fainting child may need attention rather than food.
  • Try to put whole grain and / or grain-rich bread on the table.
  • Cereals must not be too sugary or contain chocolate.

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